In search of inner peace

In this fast-paced world

Anisha Shah
New Writers Welcome
3 min readAug 25, 2023


Photo by Amy Treasure on Unsplash

We live in a world where we measure everything except our inner peace. We keep on working, making schedules and checklists of goals for the day, for the week, for the month, for the year, and even for our whole lives. Our scale for measurement is so narrow that we depend on other people’s validation for our successes or failures and compare ourselves with other's successes and, worse, with the achievements they portray on their social media platforms. For some, even after reaching the pinnacle of success, something is missing. We are always focused on enjoying life when we have achieved our goals, and in the meantime, we miss life itself. Then it is already too late until we realize we never lived to our fullest or with a sense of peace.

Here are a few steps one can take to find inner peace in a fast-paced world:

  1. Connecting with nature does wonders. We are all a part of nature, and connecting with it can bring a sense of calmness within. There are many ways to establish this connection. For me, I always pick up my camera and explore the small beings that flutter around the lawn. They help me connect better, and for a small amount of time, I forget the commotion going around.
  2. Do not use your phone for at least one hour after you have woken up in the morning. This will help you connect with yourself and give you time to listen to your own thoughts without any distractions. Moreover, limiting the use of social media to maybe only half an hour in the evening will help you reduce anxiety.
  3. Giving time to your hobby, which might be reading, writing, learning a new language, playing a musical instrument, etc. Hobbies give us a sense of happiness as we practice or do something we genuinely love, not for the sake of making money or competing with others but to be a better version of ourselves.
  4. When we abuse our bodies our health starts to wane. In times like these, we realise how important it is to take note of what we put in our bodies and minds. We live in a world cluttered with information and we should be mindful of what we read along with what we eat to make sure that we have a healthy body and mind.
  5. Meditation is another important aspect that we often forget. We should make sure to meditate for at least a few moments every day. If one doesn’t meditate, one can pray if that’s what’s required, as it provides a sense of peace within.
  6. Journaling or keeping a diary Jotting down every thought that might be disturbing helps you keep your mind clear and, in the long run, will be an aid to understanding yourself.

These are a few areas we can work on to find inner peace. Apart from the above, we should try to practice gratitude, be kind to others, abstain from judging others, and always try to look at the bigger picture. We should be able to understand ourselves and know who we really are.



Anisha Shah
New Writers Welcome

Aspiring writer embarking on first writing journey. Voracious reader and a compete nerd. Honing the craft of writing through blogs, stories and poems.