Introducing Medium’s Top 10 Writers In 2022

Get to know the most influential writers on this platform.

Kristina God, MBA
New Writers Welcome


Introducing Medium’s Top 10 Writers In 2022
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Oftentimes new writers wonder who Medium’s Top Writers are.

Medium unfortunately doesn’t offer a list of its Top Writers.

However, back in 2021, I found a great source that claimed to rank Medium’s Top Writers based on follower count.

It wasn’t an official list by Medium but by which showed the Top 10 contributors.

Unfortunately, a few weeks after I had published my open critique about the, owner Mubashar Iqbal decided to delete the site instead of updating it.

So, to lay out what I did to find the Top 10 Writers on Medium in 2022, please take a look at the list from 2021 first. said that the Top 10 Medium Writers in 2021 were: said that the Top 10 Medium Writers in 2021 were:
screenshot Leaderboard

1 Gary Vaynerchuk (306K followers)

2 Tim O’Reilly (258K followers)

3 Benjamin Hardy, PhD (253K followers)



Kristina God, MBA
New Writers Welcome

Bestselling Substack writer I Marketing Expert I Top Writer I Helps you write, market and monetize your writing.⚡ Sign up: