Is Becoming a Writer Worth It Now?

A journey to becoming a writer "professionally" in a sea of beautiful writers.

Tori Viee
New Writers Welcome
3 min readJan 29, 2022


Photo by Kat Stokes on Unsplash

As a "new" writer, doubts, confusion, and excitement are all part of the journey. January 2022 is the first time I published something where strangers read something I wrote. (This is my definition of a writer for this article). In a time where digital print seems to be well off, and print is not as big as it used to be, is it worth it?

Medium, for example, has a large number of beautiful writers with unique views and talent that can make a new writer feel lost and wonder why I should start now. I can say that this platform is very supportive, and I'm excited to begin my writing journey here.

I will call myself a professional writer as soon as I make 1 cent from writing. I'm getting paid, so why not! I'm not at 100 followers, so I'm not eligible for The Partnership Program to make money at this time, but I know what I have to offer. I have a wide range of interests from personal style, personal development, relationships. I can still fall into the rabbit hole of "there are already so many people writing about those things," and you may be feeling that was as well.

I want all new writers to feel no matter what there are readers who can learn from them.

Photo by Cristofer Maximilian on Unsplash

So to answer the question, YES it is still worth it!!!!!

I'm deciding to make a plan and hope to inspire others to do the same. I have a full-time job, but it is travel-related and flexible, not a traditional schedule. I know that I will always have time to write if I am dedicated. I am aware that not many have that option, but I aim to take my writing to a level I can only dream about!

I know it can sometimes be discouraging, or new writers may feel they want to do EVERYTHING at once, including writing on different platforms, selling a product, writing for customers, etc. However, that is an excellent idea once you are successful and dedicated to one.

A very successful person I respect in my life once told me, “I have multiple buessines/projects but I didnt start off that way. I worked on one at a time and gave it 110%”.

This advice resonates with me because I always want to go all out and feel like it may not be worth it if I don't. I think of this person's words often. It is worth it to do one thing at a time. It is about knowing your worth and contribution that will continue to make it worth—whether you start today, ten years ago, or tomorrow. You are a writer!



Tori Viee
New Writers Welcome

I am a woman helping people become the best version of themselves. Open for freelance work