Is Life Better Without Social Media?

Life is easier when you don’t concern yourself with what everyone else is doing.

Eunike Ve
New Writers Welcome
6 min readMar 25, 2023


Photo by Merakist on Unsplash

Is life better without social media?

Social media can be a form of escape, and I get that!

I have this whole theory where everything is drugs. The idea is that you can get addicted to anything. Like in life, you could be addicted to working out, reading books, or writing. And life is all about what you’re addicted to.

I think I was somewhat addicted to social media. I use it as an escape. I used it to kind of take myself out of the stresses of life and just kind of be in my own little bubble on my phone.

Often time, I seek validation and approval from other people. I always want to feel wanted and accepted; nobody wants to feel like they don’t belong. It’s because we’re human.

How My Life Changed Without Social Media

I just recently deleted my social media from last year and instantly felt this sense of relief. It’s crazy. I find myself needing to break off from social media quite often. I’ve done it on and off social media and this is the last time I did. And quitting social media was the best thing I’ve ever done in life.

A lot of friends were asking me why I didn’t use social media anymore, especially those who often engage with me in my online life.

However, I have a reason why I do this, and the reason is that I need to focus on myself. I feel too much about this “social media” game.

I don’t remember what exactly motivated me to get off social media. I know this for a fact through media such as – books that I was reading and videos that I was watching on YouTube. And I’ve come to the point where I feel sick and tired of seeing what I’m seeing. Also because I get into the cycle of wanting what other people have.

I also found myself procrastinating. How can anything be accomplished if I spend all my time in the virtual world?

Focus on yourself

Focus on yourself! That’s the best advice I constantly heard but – never really did until a year ago. I was never focused on myself because I was constantly checking on what other people were doing through the screen of my phone.

A big thing that I’ve realized this past year and that I’ve come to terms with is that, it’s OKAY to be alone.

When I saw my friends hanging out with their friends I wanted to be there. When I saw my friends look happy, I feel jealous.

Living this way had severe consequences for my mental health. If you ask me what the two most valuable currencies in the world are, number one, I would say time, and number two, energy.

I realize how much time and energy I gave to people who simply weren’t worth it. I value those things so much now. My time and energy and spending on those two things for myself aren’t just okay, it’s amazing.

I love myself so much more now and I believe that is true because I’m not comparing my life to everyone else anymore.

As young people, I don’t think we realize how limited those things are. Because when we’re young, it seems like we have tons of time and energy. And when I was on social media, I was spending so much time and energy on other people.

Little did I know it, but seeing what they were doing on their story and constantly keeping up with their lives was draining my energy. I wasn’t valuing it at all.

Not to mention the hours I would spend on Instagram, and Facebook, just scrolling through. Looking back, I wasted a lot of time and energy and I’ll never get it back. But I’m glad now that in the past year, I’ve been able to spend more time and energy on myself.

And I feel the effect tremendously. I wouldn’t just say that. I feel happier, energized, and at peace with myself because I know that I’m just worried about myself.

Becoming the best version of myself

Looking back on the past year, I’ve found much better forms of escape. I am basically addicted to better things in life. You guys maybe don’t know that I have a website that I created in 2021. Since I wasn’t on social media anymore, that’s all I did.

All the hours that I used to on my phone, I now spend writing on my website. And I realize that doing this actually changed my life.

This really ignited the passion I have for writing. I’m glad I found my passion. Because I stopped looking at my phone and just started doing the thing that I wanted to do.

I feel super blessed because I know a lot of us are lost and not knowing what to do.

Ultimately, what made me get off social media was the idea of living to my full potential. You know that is the best version of yourself; I totally buy into it.

If you only have this one life, then why would you not be the best version of it? I know there are people out there who do have a good balance with social media and can still be the best version of themselves on social media, and kudos to them.

I’m just not that type of person. So on this journey of becoming the best version of myself, I’ve realized that I simply don’t need or want social media.

I want to touch the lives of millions of people on this platform through my storytelling and my writing. I want to get rid of anything that stands between me and that goal of mine, and social media is included.

Stop concerning yourself with what everyone else is doing

There’s an old saying that goes like this:

Life is easier when you don’t concern yourself with what everyone else is doing.

I believe that life becomes easier when we don’t concentrate on what everyone else’s doing and focus on living our life peacefully.

I know it’s easier said than done because as human beings we are always curious to know what’s happening in someone else’s life. We can however try and focus on our life instead to live it fully.

Think of it this way: Your private life is not a public gallery. If you think that they care about you, they actually don’t. They don’t care about your personal details; you just give them access to see them.

I have literally stopped bothering about what happening in someone else’s life and learned the true meaning of private life.

I am living my life peacefully and I am able to do it because I am not much on social media platforms. That’s only the place where people share anything and everything nowadays.

I love to write about anything that matters in life. What inspires me, what confuses me, or maybe what interests me? My purpose is to share my experience about life (good and bad). I have an opinion and enjoy sharing life stories and exploring my curiosities.

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Eunike Ve
New Writers Welcome

Content Writer and Blogger. Writing is my passion and I write about what matters in life.