Is This Real?

New Writers Welcome
2 min readNov 16, 2021

We live in a simulation confirmed by Elon Musk…

Photo by Donald Wu on Unsplash

The thing with this question is that we will never know if everything around us is real or an illusion. Don’t get me wrong, because you know that you are real (I think), but I don’t know if you are real or maybe just a programmed NPC. You will never know if your brother, sister, or the entire world is a simulation. Nowadays, many scientists believe we live in a simulated reality.

Elon Musk says that there is a one in a billion chance that we aren’t a part of a computer simulation right now. One of our most advanced games today is Cyberpunk 2077, with ultra-realistic graphics and incredible NPCs that look and behave just like real people and if you haven’t heard of it, just think of GTA but with even better graphics.

Photo by Alexander London on Unsplash

Considering just 60 years ago, the most advanced game we had was pong; this is amazing. If in 60 years we can go from a dot bouncing on a screen to a game with super realistic graphics, then imagine what we could create in 1000 years from now.

There’s an extremely high chance that we’d achieve the technology to be able to simulate an entire universe, with people inside that are conscious have feelings, talents, and a unique perception of reality. So if there’s a really high chance that we will create something like that, then there’s a really low chance that this hasn’t already been created, and we aren’t already in a simulation.

Personally, I think that we live in a real-world and not a simulated one, but I’m not holding you back from thinking that the world is a simulation. I just think that it’s not. I think that this theory is mind-blowing to think about, but in the end, I think it would be impossible.

Credits: GabeSweats

