I’ve Just Discovered a Great New Way to Get Content Inspiration!

It’s been right in front of me the whole dang time!

Gary David Flamberg
New Writers Welcome


Picture of inspired writer, created by author in Bing AI

This morning started as many of my writing mornings do — with a bad case of BPS (Blank Page Syndrome).

So, I did what I often do when BPS hits. I dove into my Medium feed.

Only this time, I did something different.

It came from a simple piece of advice.

As I perused the articles, I recalled a great piece of advice I got just yesterday from reading Derek Hughes’ article, “10 Easy Ways To Get A Fresh Writing Idea.”

One of his “10 easy ways” is to create a swipe file.

What’s a swipe file, you ask? Real simple: it’s a collection of writing ideas and examples for inspiration.

Well, guess what I did? I turned my daily Medium feed into my own personal swipe file!

So what does my “swipe file” look like today?

My writing falls into 4 “niches:”

  • writing (particularly down-to-earth, no-hype help for new writers);
  • life wisdom and inspiration;
  • faith;
  • cultural and political



Gary David Flamberg
New Writers Welcome

Bringing out the authentic writer in you (with a side helping of culture, faith, and plain ole' life wisdom!)