Just a Hug

Sometimes all you need is someone to acknowledge the work you’re doing and the struggles you’re facing.

Brooke E.
New Writers Welcome
2 min readDec 3, 2021


Photo by Alex Green from Pexels

As a mother of four, 5 months pregnant with baby #5, with a husband who is constantly working there is no doubt I get exhausted. Some days all I want to do is crawl up in a ball on the floor and rest my eyes. Today was one of those days. My almost-two-year-old wouldn’t stop screaming, he has communication issues. My six-year-old and eight-year-old wanted to do anything BUT school. My four-year-old couldn’t follow the simplest directions. My husband was awake in the morning trying to work on his online business and then was napping to prepare for his night shift. I just worked the past two days outside of the home so all of the housework was behind. It was a disaster of a day, to say the least.

All of my attempts at calming children, redirecting children and cleaning the house failed. Dinner was on time but the kitchen was a mess.

When my husband woke up from his rest he came straight into the kitchen to give me a hug. A full embrace. He looked at me and said, “I’m sorry, I know today must have been hard.” (He could hear our youngest throwing fits from the bedroom). He gave me a kiss and said, “Thank you, I love you.” These simple gestures and words made the previous stress of the day fade away. He then continued to support me through dinner by helping to serve the children their second helpings so that I could sit and enjoy my dinner. I know he was tired himself. I’m sure he didn’t sleep a wink with all of the commotions in the house, yet he set that aside to support me in my time of need. Through that one hug he demonstrated such love, he validated my exhaustion and appreciated the work I had done that day. He let me know that I was not crazy and that my disastrous day was not in vain. Boy am I lucky.

Let’s not forget how the seemingly little things we can do for others can make the biggest impact.




Brooke E.
New Writers Welcome

Homeschool mom with 5 munchkins. Dental Hygienist with a B.A. in Psych. Writing about daily shenanigans, surviving parenthood, and mostly useful life tips.