Just keep Writing-Success Is Near

Sameer Fareed
New Writers Welcome
2 min readNov 4, 2021
Writer word written on board

Firstly it is really hard to find any single aim in life especially in this complex world. As we have seen that people with a particular goal in life achieved much more than others because they devoted their lives to a single purpose. Indeed, moving in one direction with consistency and motivation brings you to your destination.

I’m writing this article for the writers who are new to this platform or perhaps they are a beginner in article writing as I am. With great gratitude, I want to say that you are blessed because you have started your journey, you get a goal to achieve, and you are now one step forward to those who are aimless and dreamless. What if you do not have many skills like other people on this platform-for now it does not count. The vital thing is your passion to achieve it and your self-determination with your dream.

Perhaps several things are stopping you for instance shortage of time, language problems, getting no ideas, struggle in publication- make these excuses minor than your willpower. At first, shortlist your weaknesses such as if shortage of time is your problem then try to manage it in a better way by making a schedule. Secondly, be consistent in writing. Thirdly, read more and more.

To sum it up, I would say that guys just keep writing, and hopefully one day you will be an amazing article writer. My best wishes are with you.

I hope, this article would be helpful for you, just leave your valuable comments.



Sameer Fareed
New Writers Welcome

Article Writer, Writer of Several short stories,freelancer. love to think and write!