Kidney Disease In Our Pooch Babies

What Dog Owners Need To Know

Binu G H
New Writers Welcome
3 min readSep 21, 2022


Photo by Ryan Walton on Unsplash

Kidney disease is very common in dogs and, to protect your dog from kidney disease, you need to be prepared to check for problems early on. Studies show that 1 in 10 dogs have kidney disease.

Dogs can get kidney disease for a variety of reasons, and what’s worse, it’s often difficult to detect. Early signs of kidney disease in dogs include slight weight loss, increased urination/pee frequency, and increased water intake. If you notice that your dog is peeing on the floor, wants to get out more, or is always thirsty, it’s time to see your veterinarian.

Unfortunately, by the time these symptoms appear, significant kidney damage may already have occurred. Fortunately, new advances in veterinary medicine are making it easier to detect kidney disease early (even if there are no symptoms) in dogs. Kidney disease in dogs is notoriously difficult to detect early on and can wreak havoc on your canine friends. Kidneys help remove waste products from the blood. If they are not functioning properly, these waste products can accumulate in the blood. This damage, once done, can be permanent and can be caused by a variety of issues.

Kidney disease in dogs is classified in two primary ways,

1. Chronic Kidney disease

2. Acute Kidney Injury

Kidney disease affects so many dogs and early detection is so important that learning and knowing about the condition is a great idea for dog parents. Below is a detailed article on canine kidney disease. and additional resources and tips on how to keep your dog’s kidneys as healthy as possible in the long run :

Chronic Kidney Disease: What Does Kidney Failure in Dogs Really Mean?

10 Common Causes of Kidney Disease in Dogs

Kidney Stones in Dogs: What You Need to Know

Photo by Celine Sayuri Tagami on Unsplash

Kidney disease is a leading cause of suffering and death in pets and is often not recognized until most damage has already occurred and is permanent, so fighting it would be very difficult. Certain factors, such as kidney stones, urinary tract infections, other infections including Lyme disease, or genetic disorders, can increase the chances of developing kidney disease.

Treatment options for advanced renal disease are usually limited to renal support and treatment of symptoms of renal disease. Encouraging your dog to drink more water can support kidney health. As dogs get older, they are more likely to develop kidney disease.

There is still a lot to learn about chronic kidney disease if you want to protect your dog. Knowing this is the first step in fighting a disease that is already claiming too many lives. Check out with your veterinarian what you can do to help your dog live healthier, happier, and longer.



Binu G H
New Writers Welcome

A suffering engineering student lol! A happy soul filled with gratitude