Legendary Musical Group — The Jackson Five

Where Are They Now?

Ellen Baker
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Michael Jacksonfan on Flickr

We all remember Michael Jackson. Some of us are old enough to remember The Jackson Five. This was the group Michael first sang with, comprised of Michael and four of his brothers.

Unfortunately, Michael died on June 25, 2009. So, where are the other four from The Jackson Five?

The brothers in the group were Jackie, Tito, Marlon, Randy, and Michael.

Jackie, the original leader of the group, did vocals. He was the oldest. After the band’s Victory Tour, he worked on various projects with his brothers. He formed and managed an independent record label, Jesco, and Futurist Entertainment. Two years later, he appeared in a TV series, The Jacksons: A Family Dynasty. In 2012 he, Tito, Jermaine, and Marlon performed for a series of Las Vegas shows. He also mentors aspiring artists.

Tito was the lead guitarist and singer. His career has been mostly behind the scenes since the Jackson Five breakup. He managed his son’s career before resuming his stage appearances. In 2015, he was the star of a reality show on Lifetime Network about his sons. In 2016, he released “Tito Time”, a solo album. He toured for a few years with B.B. King’s Blues Band.

Jermaine was the lead singer until his voice changed and his father put Michael in…



Ellen Baker
New Writers Welcome

Writing about the wonderful life of Nana/Mom, retired person who forgets she is not young anymore, and whatever else lghts an inner fire.