Profound Discovery When the Elevator Hits Pause

How to silence your inner demons and enjoy the journey!

Mindful Market
New Writers Welcome
3 min readJan 8, 2024


Photo by Jason Dent on Unsplash

Ever had that awkward elevator moment?

I sure remember mine vividly. It was fresh out of college, heading to my second job interview, full of nerves and excitement.

I stepped into the elevator, surrounded by two senior engineers and a stunning secretary — quite the mix!

As the doors closed, we were on our way up. But out of the blue, the elevator decided to take a breather. No warning, just a sudden halt.

Awkward glances were exchanged, and we all gave that collective nod like, “Well, this is unexpected, but no big deal, right?”

Then, silence.

And Not the comfy kind, oh no. It’s the kind that makes everyone best friends with their phones, desperately trying to avoid eye contact.

We all dive into our screens, silently agreeing, “Let’s just wait this out and pretend we’re super busy.”

Funny thing is, in that elevator, I almost cracked. I wanted to break the ice, make a comment, but the pressure held me back.

It’s a lot like the perfectionist pressure we carry — the urge to do something, to be flawless, yet resisting because we fear breaking the illusion of flawlessness.

do you ever feel the perfectionist squeeze? That constant push to measure up, meet expectations, and never miss a beat? It’s like a dance, right? One misstep, and the whole show might crumble.

Now, when it comes to creativity, it often feels like a battlefield, with external expectations on one side and your internal desire for meaningful creation on the other.

The tension can be real, making it challenging to enjoy the process. But, amid this pressure, remember, creative expression should spark joy.

It’s not always about perfection but finding fulfillment in the journey.

External expectations, deadlines, and the pursuit of perfection can create a pressure cooker. Balancing it with your internal drive for meaning can sometimes feel like juggling chainsaws.

Striking that equilibrium is key to finding enjoyment and satisfaction in the creative process.

Now, about strengths and weaknesses — we’ve all got ’em. Some effortlessly dance with their talents, while others wrestle with new skills.

Don’t let initial struggles steal the joy of exploration.

With dedication and patience, even the most challenging endeavors can become sources of fulfillment. You can be creative in any medium, even if it’s not your comfort zone.

I’d say that handling the creative storm requires both grace and determination.

On one hand, we must give ourselves permission to explore freely without fear of failure or imperfection. On the other hand, we need to be dedicated and keep trying, even when things get tough or a desired result seems elusive.

It’s a balancing act that takes time and practice to master, but with patience and perseverance, we can create something truly meaningful and fulfilling.

Creative expression is a journey, one where joy and satisfaction are often found in the process itself, not just in the end product.

To silence your inner perfectionist, practice self-compassion. No need to dwell on falling short; progress isn’t always a straight line. Grant yourself grace, learn from mistakes, and understand that perfection is a mythical creature.

Liberating your creativity means embracing imperfections and exploring without the shackles of unattainable perfection.

So, here’s to taming the pressure, embracing joy, and letting your creative genius roam free. What’s your take on handling the creative storm?

Reply and share your wisdom!



Mindful Market
New Writers Welcome

I have the best God d*mn content on this platform! NGL!! If you don't walk away smarter or educated, you'll get a few chuckles at the bare minimum. ON GOD!