Let’s know How Our Brain works How do chemicals control it?

The scientific theory of being happy

mansi. s
New Writers Welcome
3 min readDec 31, 2021


Source| shutterstock.com

In our experience of happiness, what role does the brain play?

There are primarily four chemicals that get discharged in the brain which gives us the experience of happiness we seek, course we would like the experience to continue always but that’s not how the brain works, It rewards certain behaviors and to get more of the happiness we have to repeat that pattern again and again and again Let’s understand these chemicals. there may be some deep wisdom learning in it for us.

1. Endorphins

There are about 20 of them they are released for example, while exercising to mask the pain and give a sense of accomplishment without the endorphin, the pain in the body that we experience while exercising would be extremely discouraging But endorphin enables us to go beyond the pain barrier and the pain barrier and also give us that sense of fulfillment.

2. Oxytocin

It is also called love chemical it is released in physical proximity, in social bonding, its primary function is to incentives human reproduction, social bonding, and sense of well being so when it is said that man is a social animal, this chemical activity is to a large extent responsible for it.

3 Dopamine

This is the puzzling chemical it’s related to expectation, promises, reward. Like for example, if you are attached to ice cream the site of ice cream will release dopamine, creating an expectation of future happiness and a feeling: if I don’t get it, I will suffer a fate worse than death!

Now, it’s all about future happiness. So interesting, dopamine doesn’t lead to the station or satisfaction, merely a hope of joy ahead. But that hijacks the brain, and people run for it so when we say, this world is a mirage it is primarily dopamine, which is making a foul out of us, and making us pursue futile desires, which will never give us the joy we seek

4. Serotonin

This gives the sense of serenity, calm, equipoise, fulfillment. This chemical gives you the happiness that truly fulfills you and it is released in good and noble acts, for example, an act of kindness will release serotonin, which will make you feel good about yourself,

Interestingly, even people who watch others perform acts of kindness will release the serotonin- happiness within themselves. So if someone thinks by cheating others I can be happy, that person is deluding himself.

There lies the secret of happiness not by going in search of your happiness but by giving others their happiness this is the balloon of happiness. If you search for your own it will get (burst), but if you make it your goal to hand others their balloon of happiness, the serotonin released in the brain from the act of kindness, will ensure somebody else will ensure their happiness

“and what if nobody hands my happiness to me “ and I keep handing others? Never mind, nature will arrange for your happiness to be handed over.

When “I” changes to “we”

Then “illness” turns into “wellness”.

Maybe that’s the secret of happiness and well-being.



mansi. s
New Writers Welcome

I'm a student who loves to do research and provide information by writing ❤