Let’s Practice and Develop a Charismatic Personality

Charisma is a skill. You can’t buy it; you can’t fake it. But it can be taught and honed.

Sana Naz
New Writers Welcome
4 min readJul 16, 2022


Charismatic Personality Development
Photo by A Koolshooter: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-in-black-witch-costume-with-two-pumpkins-5600071/

Have you ever met someone who instantly made you feel welcomed, special, and important?

Have you ever met someone who just had a certain “something” to them?

Charismatic people basically communicate two messages to you:

  1. “I am powerful (= confident),” and
  2. “I like you.”

🏮 What are the Traits of a Charismatic Person?

They have:

  • Warmth and competence to engage and persuade others.
  • Self-awareness.
  • Open body language.
  • Active listening.
  • Empathy and vulnerability.
  • A sense of humor.
  • A genuine interest in EVERYONE.
  • They treat each person with equal respect they encounter.

Charismatic people own their mistakes because apologies can make a world of difference.

Charisma lives where authenticity, confidence, and connection with people lives.

🏮 12 Promising Tactics to Develop a Charismatic Personality

1. Be Present:

Actions that attribute to a lack of presence are when you drift off while listening to someone speak or find your eyes elsewhere during a conversation.

Be more Invested.

People feel brushed off, annoyed, inferior, and even resentful when they feel a lack of presence.

Practice presence by improving your focus.

2. Speak “slow, low, clear, and thoughtful”:

People with slow and lower tones are perceived to be more powerful and have more sway and charisma.

People, while picking up a leader, often choose someone with the right kind of voice. You can gain some level of charisma and powerful presence by learning how to produce this leader-quality sound.

People will naturally shut up and listen when you open your mouth if you are the type of person who only speaks when they have something important to say.

Stop using fillers words (like Umm, uhh). They make you look less intelligent.

3. Warmth:

Ever happened to you that even infants can recognize smiles, suggesting our natural ability to recognize warmth? A prime key to charisma is Warmth which can be described as having goodwill towards others, being willing to act in a positive way, and caring for others’ emotions and feelings.

4. Proper Body Presentation:

Use appropriate body language for a charismatic personality.

  • Maintain a strong posture. Keep your back straight and open your chest and arms. This way, you will breathe better and feel relaxed. Own your space and have excellent posture, and it will work wonders for your charisma.

Drink water and stay hydrated.

  • Exude confidence by using small and stiff gestures.
  • To display warmth, use open gestures — especially with your head, arms, and hands as it gives off a sense of approachability.
  • Smile to give off a warm presence and make people around you feel comfortable.

Smile with your eyes.

  • A good rule of thumb is to make eye contact 80% of the time if you are speaking. And if someone else is speaking, make eye contact only 60% of the time. Everyone knows that eye contact is essential, but few people understand how to do it effectively. People end up looking scared and anxious when they make too little eye contact. Perfect eye contact makes you seem charismatic instead of creepy.

To prevent direct eye contact as a starter, start practicing by looking at the next person’s glabella.

5. Ask more Questions and Speak less:

You must know that people are more interested in themselves than anything else on the planet. So, ask more questions about their life, dreams, and aspirations and speak less.

Plain and simple.

Works like a charm.

If you ever hit a dead end in a conversation, ask a question and then nod, say “Interesting” and “Tell me more.”

6. Dress to Impress and Represent your Personal Status and Confidence:

This doesn’t mean you need to rock a 3 piece suit everywhere you go. Make sure you are well groomed and wear clothes that fit properly.

Look Stylish.

7. Make Appropriate Physical Contact:

If you overdo this one — tapping their back continuously or shaking your hand for more than 3 seconds — it will come off as creepy and weird.

If you get it right, you will build rapport with people faster than anyone else and is the most charismatic gal in the room. Be respectful of other people’s space but don’t be afraid to break the touch barrier quickly and regularly.

8. Smile Genuinely (And Slowly):

Smiling is a powerful tool to build charisma, but it needs to be executed properly.

Shake hands, make eye contact, then smile. The more genuine and heartfelt that people believe your smiles are, the more powerful they will be.

Let out a radiant smile slowly.

9. Respect your Emotions:

When you are angry, show it. When you are sad, show it. When you love or feel loved, show it. Don’t be like most people.

10. Repeat People’s Names but Don’t Overdo it:

Repeat People’s Names Back to them when You First Meet as it is a powerful way to build an instant rapport. It prevents you from forgetting their name. But remember not to overdo it.

11. Educate yourself on Social Dynamics:

As with anything in life, study charisma and learn from the best if you want to become more charismatic, you’ll be 10x farther ahead than most of the population.

Read books like Influence and 92 Tricks to Talk to Anyone.

12. Always Prioritize Yourself:

To be the most powerful and charismatic individual in the world, learn to prioritize yourself.

But that doesn’t mean talking about yourself all the time or gloating incessantly. Value your time and attention while giving it away slowly.

Stay Grounded.



PS: If you already have these signs in you. Congrats! You are a magnetic and charismatic person ✨.



Sana Naz
New Writers Welcome

MPhil Chemistry, Research Scholar/Assistant, Computer Operator, Freelance Writer, & A Lover of the Universe.