Medium’s Gold Rush Is Over — So What?

You’re part of a new era. Let’s dispel some myths that Top Writers spread.

Kristina God, MBA
New Writers Welcome


Medium’s Gold Rush Is Over — So What?

There are Top Writers who say Medium is broken.

It’s not worth publishing on this platform anymore.

One of them is the same guy who celebrated Medium’s new CEO, kept writing even though he said he’d stop writing in 2022 with a big BANG on Medium, said Medium would be awesome, and then…. started all over again.

On Twitter, he recently shared that Medium was broken, though he still offers his (old) Medium course.

If you’re a new writer and you’re reading this, you may think:

“Is Medium really broken? Should I stop writing here (*before I even started)?”

No, of course not!

If you say…

“Cool, Kristina. Now you’ve got my attention. Tell me more!”

…please continue reading.

What’s the Medium gold rush?

If you see screenshots from Top Writers promoting their courses better think twice.

Almost always, their screenshots with mind-blowing earnings are from 2018, 2019, or 2020.



Kristina God, MBA
New Writers Welcome

Bestselling Substack writer I Marketing Expert I Top Writer I Helps you write, market and monetize your writing.⚡ Sign up: