Medium Is Crediting Our Missing Earnings!

The spam pirates have been stopped, booty recovered, and you’ll get your gold doubloons

Robin Wilding 💎
New Writers Welcome


Ok, it won’t be a chest full of gold coins, but it will be a few extra dollars added to your digital account (but that didn’t make for a fun photo). Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels

The scammy spammy Medium arse pirates that fraudulently attacked the Medium Partner Program — and caused our earnings to dip since around September 25th — have been captured and dealt with.

The pirate zombie vampires are no longer sucking the platform dry — and they’ve been made to walk the plank. In case you haven’t heard what’s going on, I (and a lot of others) wrote about the whole debacle, on the earnings issue, and the first update, here.

Medium has (finally) issued a response about the pirated booty, in an email being sent to the affected parties. I haven’t received it yet, and don’t know how long it will take, so I wanted to let my peeps know the update ASAP.

Here is Medium’s message. I didn’t put it in block quotes because that’s a lot to read in italics and it hurts my eyeballs:

“Medium Partner Program participants,

We recently discovered organized fraudulent activity impacting payments for some Partner Program writers, and want to inform you about it and let you know what we are doing to protect authors from being affected.



Robin Wilding 💎
New Writers Welcome

Pro Writer • Amateur Twatopotamus • Boost Nominator • Knobhead of the Year 2022 • Possibly a Dude