Medium Long Form: A Blog Around Long Form Content And Writing

Want to get started in long form writing? Read below

Rijul Singh Malik
New Writers Welcome
7 min readApr 12, 2022


Photo by Dim Hou on Unsplash

What is long form content?

Long form content is a type of content that’s usually written in a narrative format, with a focus on depth and detail. It’s usually longer than your average blog post, which usually comes in at around 1,000 words. Long form content usually takes a long time to write, but the payoff for creating a good long form piece of content can be huge. With the growing popularity of blogs and the rise of social media, most content creation has focused on short-form content that’s optimized for quick consumption. This is great for getting your message across, but it’s not enough. When it comes to telling a story, you need all the space you can get to really dive into the subject matter and tell the story right.

How long should a long form content be?

Long form content, just like regular content, comes in different forms. The longer the content, the more time, effort and resources a company needs to invest in it. So how long should long-form content be? What makes long-form content long-form? And how to keep long-form content interesting, engaging and in-depth? Medium has a couple of guidelines they follow when they publish long-form content. They recommend posts to be between 1,500 to 10,000 words, but they give leeway to go beyond those numbers. Posts that are less than 1,500 words are too short, while posts that are more than 10,000 words are too long, they say. People read on the Internet differently than they read a book. They don’t have much time and they are accustomed to digesting long-form content in an easy to consume way. There are several ways to do that: by breaking the content into smaller chunks, adding illustrations and images, including links to other related content, and formatting the content to make it easily readable.

How do you make sure you cover everything?

You’ve chosen a topic, and you’ve already spent a lot of time researching it. You’ve read up on all the latest research, and you’ve even talked with industry experts. You know your subject inside and out, but have you covered everything? Are you missing anything? The truth is, long form content is all about quality and length, which means you need to make sure you’re covering every little detail — otherwise, you’ll miss out on a bunch of potential customers.

Long form content is a great way to think about your message and how you want to portray it. It gives you the chance to get your ideas out there and more importantly, for people to fully understand them. Long form content is a great way to get to the point, but if you’ve never worked with it before, you might be wondering how to make sure you don’t leave anything out. There are a few things you can do when you’re writing your long form content to make sure you get everything you want to say out there.

Medium is known to have a great platform for writers and writers love the platform. Many writers have been a part of Medium and have gained a lot of popularity and readership. This popularity has led many to believe that Medium is the best platform for content. Medium makes it very easy to write and publish content. There are no limits on the number of words or media; everything is taken care of by Medium. And that’s what makes it so great. But what it also does is, it makes sure that you don’t put in enough work. There’s no pressure to deliver the best content. You just write and publish. But here is the thing, writing for the sake of writing is not the best thing for your content. You should aim to write the best content possible. Of course, you should write long form content. But to make sure that you cover everything, you need to have a plan. You need to start with an outline. And you have to stick to it. Don’t write just for the sake of writing. Write to make sure you cover everything.

How do you come up with an outline to keep you on track?

The outline is something you need to get started and to stay on track when you write a long form article. It’s the skeleton of your article. This blog post is about different methods for creating an outline for your long form article. Some of them are simple, and some of them are hard, but I believe that if you do have the time to write a long form article, then you also have the time to create an outline. The outline is important. It can be your friend and it can be your enemy. It depends on how you work with it. Before I get into the nitty-gritty of outlining, I need to say that I’ve written 1,500 words for this blog post and I still haven’t finished my introduction. It’s just that there are so many things I want to say about outlining. I hope that you’ll find it useful.

It’s not easy to write an article longer than a few hundred words. You want to write an article with a definitive beginning, middle and end, but that can be incredibly difficult when you’re just starting out. You can’t just write the beginning and then write the end and then put it all together, that’s not how it works. It has to be cohesive, it has to flow. The title of your article can be one of the most important parts. Think of it as a promise you’re making to the reader. If your article starts off great with a great subheading, it just builds up the expectation to always be great. If the article starts off terrible, it’s difficult to even keep reading.

How do you stay motivated to write long form content?

It’s quite simple really, you create a process for yourself that you follow and enjoy doing. For me, it’s a very simple process. I start off with a blog topic in mind. I set a timer for 1 hour, I start writing and I don’t stop until the timer goes off. I don’t stop writing, because I want to see the whole article written. I do this every day and post it to my website. There is not a lot of pressure, because I am just writing something that I want to write and I enjoy writing. The result of this is that I have written over 500 articles in the last year. This is a lot of content and I have no doubt that my website’s Google rankings have improved because of this. I have also written a lot of short form content and I tend to write a lot of long form content. I have a lot of fun writing for my website and I am sure that you can do the same.

Writing long form content is hard, especially when you’re just starting out. If you’re just starting, you may have absolutely no readers and it can be extremely difficult to stay motivated to write something that nobody will read. Here are some tips that’ll help you stay motivated to write long form content. 1. Figure out what your goal is. 2. Make your goal public. 3. Set up accountability. 4. Set up a schedule. 5. Make it easy.

What is your biggest struggle with long form content?

Long form content has been around for a while, but it’s only recently that it’s been considered relevant once again. In this content marketing era, the long form content is not dead. Over the last few years, the trend has been to publish everything in short, bite-sized pieces. Why? Because people have a lot of reading material to get through, and they have limited time to do it. So if you can write a quick piece about a topic and get it out in front of a lot of people, you have a chance of making it viral. Or, if you have a long form piece, you can get a few clicks from people who are really interested in that topic. Why would you want to go against the grain? Because long form content is one of the most effective ways to actually engage your readers. If you want to keep them on your site, they have to be reading something that is relevant, entertaining or inspiring. It’s all about the user experience.

Long form content isn’t easy to write. Not only is it difficult to find the time to write content that’s worth reading, but it’s also difficult to strike a balance between information, entertainment, and value for your readers. This is especially true in the age of short-attention spans. So how do you overcome the struggles of long-form content? Here are a few tips to help you overcome the struggle: 1. Every person has a different definition of long-form content. For some it’s a blog post exceeding 1,500 words, for others, it’s a video exceeding 5 minutes, and for others, it’s a podcast that goes over 15 minutes. 2. Know what your audience expects and what they’re willing to read. There’s no need to force something that’s too long if your audience doesn’t have the patience to read it. 3. Use subheadings and break up the text with visuals. Using visuals will not only help break up the text and make the content more visually appealing, but it will also help your audience better digest the information.

Thank you for Reading the Article :)

If you’re reading till here, i have mastered the art of long form content writing :)



Rijul Singh Malik
New Writers Welcome

MS Data science @UC IRVINE | Data Scientist | Blogger | Content Creator | Avid Traveller