Medium Publications that Accept Self-Published Stories

Get more eyes on your stories!

Susie Kearley
New Writers Welcome


© Susie Kearley

Story updated: 14/03/24

Do you feel frustrated when you have to wait days, or sometimes weeks, for Medium editors to publish (or respond to) your stories? I feel the pain too, so I’ve taken to self-publishing more of my own stories and submitting them to publications that accept self-published stories after I’ve published.

If you’ve already hit the publish button, but want to bring new eyes to your stories, submitting them to publications that accept self-published stories might be the way to go!

Many editors prefer to receive unpublished drafts, but some don’t mind writers self-publishing first. Some actively encourage it!

Joel, the editor of Be Yourself, prefers people to self-publish their stories and then submit them to his publication. It takes the pressure off him to check in every day while giving you control over the timing of when your submission is published. It doesn’t matter if your story was self-published ages ago — he still gives it visibility on his home page.

When I’ve suggested sending self-published stories to Medium publications before, some writers have expressed concern about Medium’s duplicate content policy — but they’ve misunderstood.



Susie Kearley
New Writers Welcome

Freelance writer UK. Outrageous opinions. Occasionally offends by accident. Covers writing, health, psychology, memoir, current affairs, copyright, environment.