Medium Updates Its Three Distribution Categories — Here’s What You Need To Know

There are three platform distribution categories: VIP lane, beating heart, and cozy nook.

Kristina God, MBA
New Writers Welcome


Medium Updates Its Three Distribution Categories — Here’s What You Need To Know
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Ever hit the ‘publish’ button on Medium and wondered where your precious words are going?

Hopefully not into the void. haha. Just kidding!

I received a lot of emails and DM’s based on Monday’s article about Medium’s updated earnings calculation.

Even Sinem Guenel and Zulie Rane who recently became editors for Better Marketing, one of Medium’s biggest publications, told me in an interview (that will come out this week on YouTube) that the Boost means all or nothing.

If you want to get read, you need to get Boosted.

This is the VIP lane.

However, I was asked about organic reach and distribution.

Let’s pull back the curtain based on Medium’s latest update on its quality guidelines for the Boost which also tells us a lot about the three updated distribution categories.

Medium’s three distribution categories

Good news!



Kristina God, MBA
New Writers Welcome

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