Melancholic Poems

These poems are characterized by their somber tone, and the use of language and imagery that evoke a sense of sadness or longing

Afia Razi
New Writers Welcome
4 min readFeb 23, 2023


Photo by Marah Bashir on Unsplash

Broken Heart

A broken heart, a shattered soul, A pain that lingers, hard to console. The pieces scattered, far and wide, The hurt too deep, no place to hide.

The memories haunt, a constant ache, The tears fall, with each breath we take. The love we gave, now lost and gone, The emptiness we feel, so forlorn.

The world moves on, but we stand still, A heart that’s broken, a bitter pill. The dreams we shared, now turned to dust, The future we planned, now just mistrust.

But in this pain, a chance to grow, To find ourselves, a new path to know. To heal the wounds, and find new love, To rise above, the pain thereof.

So let us mourn, and shed our tears, Let the brokenness, fuel our fears. For in our brokenness, we find our strength, To love again, and go to any length.

A broken heart, a fresh start, A chance to find, a brand new heart. For in our brokenness, we are whole, A new beginning, to fill the soul.

Words Cut Deeper Than a Knife

Photo by Igor bispo on Unsplash

Words can wound, words can heal, They can make us soar, or make us kneel. They can lift us up, or bring us down, They can be a smile, or a painful frown.

But when they cut, they cut so deep, Like a knife that pierces, so hard to keep. They leave a scar, that’s hard to heal, A wound so raw, it’s hard to conceal.

For words can hurt, in ways we can’t explain, They can cause us pain, that leaves a stain. They can break our spirit, crush our soul, And leave us lost, without any control.

So let us be mindful, of the words we say, For they can linger, in someone’s heart to stay. Let us choose wisely, the words we use, And bring joy and hope, instead of abuse.

For words can be weapons, or they can be balm, They can be our strength, or our greatest harm. Let us speak with love, and always be kind, For words can hit deeper, than any knife we find.


Photo by Mayank Dhanawade on Unsplash

Tears fall like raindrops from the sky, As we try to cope and wonder why. They flow like rivers down our face, A sign of sorrow we cannot erase.

They come in moments of joy and pain, When words cannot express what we contain. They are the language of our soul, A way to heal and become whole.

Tears can be a release, a way to let go, Of the pain that we hold, deep below. They cleanse our heart, and ease our mind, A balm for the wounds, that we can’t find.

They are a reminder, of our humanity, A way to connect, with our vulnerability. They show us that we are not alone, That we are loved, and we have grown.

So let them fall, these precious tears, For they are a testament, to all our fears. Let them heal, and bring us peace, And in their wake, let our joys increase.

For tears may be a sign of sorrow, But they are also a sign of hope for tomorrow. They remind us that we are alive, That we can survive, and thrive.


Photo by Noah Silliman on Unsplash

In solitude I sit and wait, A lonely heart with heavy weight. The silence echoes, through the halls, A voiceless void, that never calls.

The shadows dance, upon the wall, As memories fade, and hopes enthrall. The emptiness I feel inside, A chasm vast, that I can't hide.

The nights are long, and filled with tears, A broken heart, and all my fears. The world outside, seems far away, A distant dream, that cannot stay.

The loneliness I bear each day, A heavy burden, that won't sway. The ache inside, that cannot heal, A heart so broken, it cannot feel.

But in this solitude I find, A chance to heal, and clear my mind. To face my fears, and find my way, To seek the light, and start a new day.

So in this lonely place I'll stay, And find my strength, for a brighter day. To rise above, the pain and strife, And find the joy, in this lonely life.



Afia Razi
New Writers Welcome

Hello! My name is Afia. I have always been interested in writing. I started this blog to share my knowledge & insight with others who are interested in learning