What is a Miracle?

My take on miracles, and I am not talkin’ team sports, roto-rooters, or wonder bras.

Stella Martann
New Writers Welcome


photo by Stella Martann

What is a miracle? In today’s world, the term miracle has taken on all sorts of new meanings— there are miracle bras, miracle face creams, miracle pills for e.d., miracle hair products, miracle elixirs, miracle plumbers, miracle sports moves, miracle hockey, miracle trainers, miracle movies, miracle vitamins…

According to Cambridge DictionaryA miracle is an unusual and mysterious event that is thought to have been caused by God because it does not follow the usual laws of nature: Jesus Christ was said to have performed miracles like turning water into wine.

How would you define a miracle?

I think that conception and birth are a miracle — scientifically, it is explainable; the egg and sperm come together and divide and grow. However, no one can see, hear or touch the unexplainable spark of life that makes it all happen — the miracle — the Divine Consciousness of the Universe.

For as long as I can remember, miracles, the extraordinary, and the unexplainable have captivated me.

Some say we only use 10 percent of our brains, which begs the question, what is the other 90 percent for — maybe it is for consciously creating the amazing for…



Stella Martann
New Writers Welcome

Digital nomad, prof organizer, life coach, nutritionist movin’ along the road less traveled. https://stella-martann.medium.com/membership