My Ex-Husband Says I ‘Owe It To Him’ To Support His Homeless Lifestyle

My ex-husband is currently homeless and believes I should give him money to survive on the street.

Chrissie Massey
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Richard on Unsplash

My ex-husband is down on his luck. I mean, he’s homeless and lives in his car. He spends most of his time badgering everyone he knows for money instead of looking for a job.

Our last conversation was my final straw. He started like always, saying he was totally broke. This is his opening to ask me to send him money. I tell him I know the feeling; I’m also broke.

He didn’t like that. He told me I was “insulting his intelligence” as I have a home, food, and a job. Then he says I “owe” it to him to send him money as we share kids, and he supported me for part of our horrible marriage.

That’s still a no!

I told him I refused to support a man who could work and support himself.

This is the point where he unraveled.

Our Brief History

My ex and I met when I was 21. I was still reeling from a bad breakup with my first boyfriend. He was funny and kind, so I gave him a chance. I became pregnant with my oldest child within six weeks of meeting him. I didn’t even know the real him, and…



Chrissie Massey
New Writers Welcome

Spent my adult life writing online for many publications — both online & print. Now, I’m finding my voice, and sharing it with the world. she/her