My First Month on Medium as a Content Writer…

Here is a list of 10 things that allowed me to join the Medium Partner Program in 1 month.

Mya Ahmed
New Writers Welcome
3 min readDec 9, 2022


Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Medium is a platform where individuals with a story come to connect with readers and bring positive change to people. I have been a reader on medium for quite some time and always enjoyed reading articles about people’s experiences, the news, and self-motivation. ​​However, recently I decided to take the initiative and start writing in order to help empower others and bring a positive change.

On November 9th, I published my first story with a grand total of 2 followers. Now, one month later, I have successfully been accepted into the Medium Partner Program with well over 100 followers and 23 stories published.

Here are 10 lessons I learned in the first month as a content writer on Medium:

1. Quality Over Quantity

It becomes a little challenging to write every day. You don’t need to write lengthy essays; nobody wants to read your 10-minute articles that are full of irrelevant information. You must employ effective writing techniques and evidence in your work that is relevant to your topic if you want to be a competent writer.

2. Write Even if You are Unmotivated

It is more important that you write the article when you don’t want to rather than waiting for a time when you are motivated. That is how you teach yourself to become more self-disciplined and is a step forward to becoming the best version of yourself. Remember that this isn’t just an article, this is a step closer to your goal.

3. What Goes Around, Comes Around

There is a very good probability that if you clap at other people’s writings, they will clap back at your articles. There is a good probability that if you follow someone who is on the same level as you, they will do the same for you. There is a good probability that if you comment on other people’s articles, they will do the same on yours. Making the first move can be challenging, but most of the time the favor is returned.

4. The “Follow for a Follow” is a Good Way to Start if you are New to the Platform

Despite the fact that this approach is criticized, I think it is a great place to start especially if you’re starting from scratch. It is the quickest way to attract followers and provides a great opportunity to meet other new writers and see their work.

5. Edit the Article at Least 3 Times Before Uploading

When I advise editing 3 times before publishing, I don’t mean for it to be completed in the same time span. Allow yourself to revisit and update your piece during breaks throughout the day. You constantly discover something to change that you have previously missed.

6. Read Your Article Outloud

Tying in with the last suggestion, read your final edit aloud as if you were delivering a speech. Ask yourself, “do you feel empowered reading it?”

7. Once You Start Writing an Article, the Flow Kicks in

Starting an article is the most difficult element of writing one. I’ve discovered that the flow seems to come to you naturally after you give up 10–15 minutes of total concentration.

8. Taking the Time to Read Other People’s Essays

Reading other people’s articles helps you obtain strategies that will help you later on when writing your own piece. You gain knowledge about new formatting techniques, vocabulary, and overall how to present a better article.

9. Be Consistent

When I say “be consistent”, I don’t necessarily mean to post one article every day, rather, I mean to set a schedule and stick to it. Your schedule can consist of spending time reading other people’s articles or doing research about this platform. Finding a purposeful reason is what Medium is about rather than just publishing articles.

10. Everyone runs at their own pace

I read many articles in which others gained their 100-follower goal within a week of being on medium. Although it was a bit discouraging, I understood that everyone has their own journey as a content writer.

If you enjoyed this article then make sure to follow me as there are many more to come!

p.s. Thank you to everyone who has supported me on my journey so far!!

