My Journey With “Friends” Sitcom-October Competition

How the Tide of my life turned away this year

Sejal jain
New Writers Welcome
7 min readOct 29, 2021


September 2020, I returned to my home all worn out. I just wanted to take some rest, my father was not feeling well, he had anticipated what it could have been so quarantined himself in a room and did not come out for a day . that time covid-19 was at its peak. I knew Covid-19 was out there but even a slight certainty of it being present in my home came as a complete bolt from the blue, later when everyone got tested, my parents were tested positive which blew me off. I was down in the dumps, I couldn’t think with a sound mind though my parents were very supportive. My brother and I had to take responsibility for the house and manage the daily chores despite all the grueling and the blues. What kept me alive was this show, one and only “FRIENDS ‘’’.It pitched in my life when I struck myself in this enduring period.

My brother recommended this show to me and I didn’t think about watching it but seeing him giggling at the television developed a sense of curiosity in me, I wanted to know what could be so enticing. then I watched one of the episodes in which Ross and Rachel were singing ‘baby got back ’ to their baby (Emma), I’d say it was the first thing in those days which could elicit a laugh out of me.
STORYLINE — The show follows the lives of six reckless adults living in Manhattan, as they indulge in adventures that make their lives both troublesome and happening.
I can’t hold my horses anymore because I’ve got hell lot of stuff to say, I mean whenever I am having any sort of conversation with my friends and this topic comes up, time flies away deliberately.
I’m going to describe a few traits about each character and the best thing about this show -
Firstly let us talk about Chandler Bing, every microparticle of his body is filled with humor, his jokes are bizarre and funny. Well, that’s an interesting combination, isn’t it? about his profession, I don’t know, can I say a TRANSPOSTER !, his actual profession is way more complicated.
Only if I could add an emoji here which expresses my laugh but it is okay, hope you can connect.
Every time, even if it’s a profound situation he won’t stop with his witty comments and especially his famous phrase “could I be more”, apart from his chaotic aura he’s a great man and shares a special bond with each one of his friends. It isn’t easy for me to summarize his whole journey in this small piece because his character has more to it.

JOEY TRIBBIANI, I don’t share my food anymore (pun intended ). Watching his love for food made me wanna love food more than I already did. He is an actor by profession, Joey is disgusting and means when it comes to food, he’d eat the desert which tasted like feet with utmost pleasure. Well, that’s Joey, he won’t even let Emma(baby) have a grape from his plate. Joey is the most handsome character, I believe with all the girls around, in his words “ I’d like girls on bread”, he is always there for the people he loves and can go off-limits for them, like when Monica and Chandler were hiding their little secret from everyone and Joey knew about it, he tried his best to hide the secret but slowly everybody discovered it, revelation of the secret has a whole story to it. The gang observes that “Ugly Naked Guy”, who lives across the street, is moving out, Ross wonders if he should try to get Ugly Naked Guy’s apartment. He, Rachel, and Phoebe visit it, and Ross is enthralled, but while he goes for an application, the girls see Chandler and Monica having sex in Monica’s apartment. Though initially shocked, Phoebe calms down after Joey and Rachel reveal the two have been together since hooking up at Ross’s wedding. Joey, who has been keeping the secret for several months, is relieved that almost everyone knows. However, Rachel and Phoebe want revenge and decide to mess with the duo. visuals are way too funny than what I’m describing. How can I forget; I’m supposed to place this phrase in his description before anything else, guess what?
HOW YOU DOIN’, My God, this pickup line couldn’t be less flaunting, isn’t it?
Enough about Joey! Well, that’s an understatement definitely but we need to move ahead, there are four more characters to go, it’s not that I am tired of writing about them but yeah I’ll have to maintain the word limit.

PHOEBE BUFFAY, a beautiful but weird masseur, her infectious laugh is just impossible to resist.
She sings and plays the guitar at the central perk (cafe), I remember there was a scene when Monica and Rachel were having a catfight and phoebe was way trying to make it stop so she literally held their ears and said “ If we were in prison, you guys would be, like, my bitches”. Rachel and Monica have been friends since high school when Monica used to be fat and Rachel had this peculiar nose, Ross and Monica are siblings. Monica has this obsession with cleaning that if she even thinks about throwing a wet towel on the floor, it’d kill her.

Once Ross dated a girl who was way too messy and her house was no less than a garbage bin, So he mentioned her to Monica, Now Monica didn’t even hesitate to go to Ross’s girlfriend’s house and clean it. An incident occurred contradicting her nature, So all the six friends went on a vacation when everyone was at the beach house but Chandler, Monica, and Joey were enjoying the beach and they had a perilous encounter with a jellyfish. she gets stung by a jellyfish, Joey remembers a documentary from the Discovery channel that suggested urinating on a jellyfish sting to make the pain go away. He “steps up” to help her, but gets stage fright and cannot go through with it, so Chandler is forced to do it instead. The three are traumatized by this event.

Monica Gellar is a chef, perfectionist, and an amazing woman, who gets married to Chandler later in the series.

RACHEL GREEN, A charming lady who can woo any guy she wants. I’d say she is a gossip girl and a fashion symbol, it is very difficult for her to keep any sort of secret in her belly.

Ross and Rachel have had a history between them, they met when they were young (9th standard )and Ross has been crushing on her ever since but finally, he manages to be with her 10 years later, not only that, they have a baby(Emma) together except the fact that they never got married.

Ross Geller, A paleontologist, got married thrice and divorced each time, his love for dinosaurs is inestimable, his famous line “PIVOT! PIVOT! PIVOT!”, believe me, the bloopers were funnier than the actual scene, it was iconic. Ross is no less than any other friend in terms of proving his friendship. It’s part of the episode called The one with Barry and Mindy wedding. Joey is up for a part in a movie but the main character is required to kiss a guy and asks either Ross or Chandler to kiss him in order to help him get the part. Joey even tries to kiss Richard Burke (Monica’s boyfriend) but is stopped by Monica, at last when Joey is left with no options, Ross comes forward and kisses him, though he refuses at first. Ross has a major flirting problem, it is a task for him to ask a girl out, when he was trying to talk to the pizza girl, the whole time he was beating around the bush but could not even ask for her phone number. A fun fact- “everybody kisses Everybody”, Apart from Phoebe and Monica, everyone has kissed each other, in a scene or script.

The six friends are the true definition of friendship, which is inspiring.

I have been watching this show daily since then; whether it’d be chandler’s sarcastic comments or phoebe’s smelly cat, there is nothing that can not throw me out of the bed laughing, sometimes I have hit my head lost in the humor. It is cheesy but “Roses haven’t crumbled and the love for FRIENDS in me won’t ever stumble”.

I love Friends to its very inch. It is the twentieth time, all ten seasons and I am still counting. Well now with the grace of God my family is fit and fine. Friends held me all along and helped me stay put, I could not thank it enough.

A lesson — People create circumstances that recreate them.



Sejal jain
New Writers Welcome

I'm a student , found interest in writing and want to explore more . I believe " write it when it comes "