My life as the Prettiest Girl in the Family of Nerds

Hey, I am Zoe from Australia who lived in a family of nerds. Today, I am going to share with you my complete life story-

Indo Alok
New Writers Welcome
6 min readJan 27, 2022



Photo From Indo Alok on Medium

Both of my parents were born geniuses. My father was a scientist at a pharmaceutical company and my mother became the youngest principal in the world. So, when I was born they thought I would be the next Einstein but unfortunately, I wasn’t even close.

They tried to teach me how to read and write and I would shred all the books and the papers to pieces. Moreover, When I turned three my mom bought me all the different puzzles in the world but to their surprise, I broke them instead of fixing them.

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My Genius Sister — Susie

Photo From Indo Alok on Medium

My parents used to blame each other genes for my stupidity until my little sister Susie was born and unlike me, She was a genius. She could solve puzzles from a very young age and speak four different languages by the time she turned seven. Although I was low-key proud of her she hated me for some reason. Due to her extraordinary skills, She was promoted to fourth grade when she was just seven. When she joined my school I offered to walk her to class but she refused it by pushing me away. She thought I was running her reputation by staying around her. She was unreasonable. Mom was always there for her at school and home. But mom would ignore my existence entirely especially at school.

Participating in Debate Competition

I decided to prove myself to my parents and my little sister. There was an upcoming debate competition in which Susie was participating. I signed up for the contest just to tease her and mom. Susie laughed at me for my participation. Well, I really wasn’t sure that I would win but surprisingly the judges felt that my points were more real and reasonable and I won the competition. Both Mom and Susie jaws dropped when they saw this.

I got Suspended from the School

Photo From Indo Alok on Medium

The Next day, I found Susie pulling stuff out of a girl’s locker and stomping on it. Before, I could ask her what she was doing the girl came running at her angrily and pinned her against the wall. Susie thought that was my locker but the move backfired her. With that, The girl started pulling Susie's hair and I could not stop laughing. Just then, Mom arrived on the scene and pulled the two apart and then she started screaming at me. She gave the other girl detention and she suspended me for a week. Surprisingly, She didn’t give any punishment to Susie. I thought how can be my mother be so evil. I stormed out of her office in anger.

Susie Birthday Party

Photo From Indo Alok on Medium

A few days later, Mom threw a huge party on Susie birthday and I prepared to get revenge on her. As I was getting ready Susie came into my room and suddenly hugged me. She apologised to me for her mistake and then she dragged me up to the party lovingly. But soon as I entered the party everyone was staring at me and started laughing like a maniac. Suddenly, I saw my reflection in the mirror and my face was all swollen and Susie was cackling like a witch. I was certain that she mixed something in my makeup. I ran up to the dad’s bathroom grabbed his shaver and came running back and pinned Susie to the Ground and I started shaving her head while she was screaming. Just then, Mom came into the room and started scolding me in front of everyone. I resisted her and told her everything but still, she look blindly at me. I know it was useless, So I decided to get back to my room.

My ADHD Spotted

Photo From Indo Alok on Medium

Later that night, I heard someone screaming and I ran down to find Susie in the Living room and she had broken all of the picture frames. On the walls, She had written that ‘Susie needs to be out with red spray paint. She grinned at me and started shouting. Our parents arrived and she told them that I have done this all. What! These were all crazy lies. Mom and dad thought I was a Psycho and instantly took me to a doctor. There, He ran all kinds of tests on me and declared that I have ADHD. It is an attention disorder where individuals can’t always focus on things like other kids and have unusual motion problems. Moreover, He added that it doesn’t mean that I am any less smart than any other kid. I thought Mom and dad would understand me now but surprisingly they looked at me like I was some kind of monster.

My Evil Parents

Later, when we got home I heard my parents secretly talking about me and they were talking about me being a burden on them. They decided to send me away and I couldn’t believe that my parents could be so mean. I have tried so hard to make them feel proud and they thought I was some burden. I stormed in to confront them and told my true feeling and I went away to my room in tears but this was it. I was proud of the way I was. I wasn’t letting anyone put me down. I started putting more focus into my work and some taking some online classes on the Internet to work on my issues. Soon, we had a big project coming for the finals and I was preparing my best for it.

Susie Failed- Mom Was Embarrassed

Photo From Indo Alok on Medium

Susie also participated in the project and she was being helped by my mom so that she could wing the competition and then get the international science scholarship. On the day of the Presentation, I was super excited and gave the best I could. But just as Susie got onto the stage for her turn, Her model broke and fell apart. Suddenly, She had tears in her eyes but mom went on ballistic on her. Susie resisted by saying that she has done so much to make her happy and now she is scolding her because she had broken the project. I was shocked but secretly happy that mom was embarrassed in front of everyone. But later when the results were announced, Mom went all gaga hearing my name in the first place. She started hugging me and kissing me like crazy. She was such a drama queen. I wasn’t buying her act for a second.


Later when we went home, I and Susie scolded our parents and told them how much selfish they are and they don’t need kids they needed robots to work on their instructions and can make you feel good about yourself. We warned our parents not to treat anyone of us like this anymore. My sister apologized for what she has done earlier. Finally, The issue between both of us was resolved. The lesson is that Parents must not put so much pressure on their kids just to maintain their reputation.

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