My Mom Introduced Me to Metallica

Here’s to All the Badass Moms on Mother’s Day

Nathan Riley
New Writers Welcome
3 min readMay 11, 2024


Metallica 1983 Public Domain— Wiki Commons

Freezing, can’t move at all
Screaming, can’t hear my call
I, I’m dying to live
Cry out
I’m trapped under ice!

-Metallica: Trapped Under Ice

If you’re not banging your head by now, Thrash Metal must not be your thing and well, that sucks. I have my mom to thank for my love of thrash metal. Back when I was a wee young lad, she popped a CD into the stereo and played a song titled For Whom the Bell Tolls. And thus, a new love was born.

You wouldn’t know by looking at me, but I’m a die-hard thrash junkie and when I go too long without it, I’m hell bent on scoring a fix.

Enjoying Heavy Metal music is not a prerequisite for being a badass mom, however. There are plenty of awesome moms out there who enjoy all types of music. My mother’s love for Metallica may make her cool, but what makes her a real badass is the kind of mom she chooses to be. That’s what truly matters.

A badass mom has no specific dress code or hairstyle or vehicle type. It doesn’t matter whether she eats meat or is a vegetarian, or even a vegan. It’s not her name either or the language she speaks or the way she earns a living. Whether she has a favorite sports team or hates sports is irrelevant.

Is she technically savvy? Who cares?!

A badass mom is there for you. She listens to what you have to say, instead of thinking about what she wants to say. A badass mom makes you feel like you’re enough, even if you don’t think so. She’s not pretentious. A badass mom won’t tell you where to go to college and if you decide not to go, she’ll support your decision. A badass mom supports free thinking and respects your right to an opinion even if it’s different than hers.

A badass mom won’t tell you what type of career you must pursue to make her proud either. In fact, badass moms won’t set selfish expectations that you will spend your life trying to meet. A badass mom embraces you for who you are. This doesn’t mean she has to put up with bad behavior, it just means that her love is unconditional. She would go to bed hungry, if it meant you did not have to. A badass mom loves you more than herself.

A badass mom is someone you can talk to. Someone who is there for you no matter what. Someone who is delighted to call herself your mother. My love for Metallica is just one of many things I have to thank my mom for. What do you have to thank your mom for?



Nathan Riley
New Writers Welcome

Aspiring novelist | freelance content writer | owner of Artists + Art Lovers publication -