My Most Dynamic Wishes

And a happy New Year!

Benedetta Andreasi
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Morgan Sessions on Unsplash

Have you decided on your New Year’s resolutions?

Are they a long list of unattainable goals?

Are you positive you will stick to them for three days straight before realizing it is too much work and you should have never tried to hit the gym twice a day?

I have been there so many times and I am so very tired of it.

This year I will experiment with a little variation on the theme.

I am a firm believer that one has to change a system to change its results. There is no way to obtain different results from an unchanging pattern of actions, of course.

So this is what I will do.

In 2024, I am going to achieve only one goal. And that goal is to do.

Seems too wide? Okay, here’s a better explanation of it.

I will try to feel alive every day. Not one day will go by without me being satisfied with how dynamic my day has been. I will try to say as many enthusiastic yeses as possible and as few dismissive noes as necessary.

Doing as a goal does not translate to working inhuman hours. This is not a productivity goal, this is an all-encompassing life goal.



Benedetta Andreasi
New Writers Welcome

Writer, artist, life enthusiast, aspiring scholar, aspiring tailor, jack of all trades. Curious about everything.