New Cancer Stats Are Just Shocking: A Religious POV

I believe it's a time to support each other even more.

Elizabeth C.
New Writers Welcome
5 min readJul 8, 2023


Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

So, I am not a doctor or a nurse, I am just a content writer, but I am not going to lie, I sometimes wish I was a nurse but sadly I suffer from lots of limitations, hard for the simple human mind to comprehend. I did take a medical course though and have worked directly with doctors and patients in the medical environment.

Lately, I have noticed an increase for medical and fitness content in the past month or so. I can only think of it as a seasonal trend known as summer and the spiked obsession to be fit for the occasion, which of course dies off as fall draws near.

Nonetheless, while doing a general research on Cancer, it was really shocking for me to realize how this disease is affecting the lives of so many people. To know that there’s no actual cure for it, is really mind-boggling for me, it is so hard to believe, especially since we're living in the year 2023.

But it feels like we are living in the 1800s when there was no cure for diseases like cholera as technology was very limited back then. But what are the limitations in this day and age?

Cancer statistics from the World Health Organization shows that Cancer is affecting people from all over the globe, according to its latest data. No country has yet found a cure, which is crazy with today's technology.

Countries like Japan, leading in technology, are constantly improving their Cancer treatments but to say, Cancer has a cure, that is not the case. It’s believed it is because, according to doctors, there are different types of cancers and they are all treated differently.

I hear people say things like countries in Europe have less diseases because their food is healthier. But Denmark is known to be one of the European countries with the highest Cancer rate for men and women combined, and I quote WHO:

“While significant strides have been made in extending and improving the quality of life after a Cancer diagnosis, the number of people being diagnosed with Cancer in Denmark is still higher than the EU average.”

But don't get me wrong, I do believe the food is being poisoned to cause health problems which evil doctors profit from. Also, let's check on Cancer projections for the coming years: According to the NIH and I quote:

“By 2030, it is projected that there will be 26 million new Cancer cases and 17 million Cancer deaths per year”, and this is due mostly to aging.”

NHS-UK statistics shows that 1 in 2 people will develop some form of Cancer during their lifetime.

All this led me to think, is Cancer the modern disease everyone needs to be on the lookout for as if it is the common flu? These statistics are just really shocking to me. Are these diseases mutating and becoming stronger to the point they become uncurable? These are terrible news. But is everything lost, no.

Many medical websites have stated that Cancer can be treated if detected on time. A healthy diet, exercise, protecting yourself from the sun, and saying no to tobacco can literally help reduce the risk greatly.

Now, from a religious point of view:

The fact that Cancer is such an aggressive disease, of course as a Christian, it makes me think of the end times. Check out this article from NCBI about the biblical prophecy on diseases and famine, especially after COVID occurred. The article talks about secular and religious opinions by the way.

Now, I know non-believers say things like, if God is real, why is there so much evil and why doesn't God heal the people? Personally, I think people who speak like this dont understand the meaning of life. I have read the Bible and know Jesus Himself suffered because of the evilness of the people, He called hypocrites and vipers.

Jesus said, the wicked generation seeks for a sign and when asked about the end times, He said in Matthew 24:7

“For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.”

Now, notice how He gives a prophecy, so when people believe all bad things are from God, it's really confusing to me because what is a prophecy?

I know a lot of people stopped believing in the Bible, they say things like, it was written by men. But how come when the protestant church separated itself from the catholic church in the 16th century, this was not a topic of interest? The separation was simply because they didn't support the papal primacy ideology as it wasn't written in the Bible but one thing they could all agree on, the Bible is real.

When you walk the streets, you see warning signs all around you, all these warnings are meant to protect you. But when God gives you a warning, you think it’s ok to dismiss it or you see it as a threat. Revelation 12–12

“But woe to the earth and the sea,
because the devil has gone down to you!
He is filled with fury,
because he knows that his time is short.”

A literal shark warning, letting you know, dont get in the waters because it its shark season. But what do people do? it's beach day! Then blame God for warning them not to get in the waters.

In conclusion, I believe most diseases are a result of the darkness and evilness in the spiritual realms. Jesus said the number 666 is the number of a man, an evil man, and I believe it. I have seen how men commit horrible crimes against one another. I am also seeing a lot of crimes go unpunished because our current laws are not being imposed but changed to benefit criminals.

Rumors of wars, famine, plagues, yes, it does seem like the prophecy is being fulfilled, and that end time is near. It's crazy to believe we are the generation that gets to witness it all. Life was so different back in the 80s and 90s, I do believe a lot of prayer is needed in these times. Pray against the diseases, the injustices, the crimes, the abuse of law and power.

Know that I pray for you every day, although many people don’t believe in God or have different beliefs or just hate Christianity. I know it’s ok because we were also warned about days like these so that we would remain hopeful.

I know a lot of people feel hopeless especially when I see how the suicide rate has skyrocketed to an all-time high just this year. I wish people were more kind, but everyone is dealing with so much, but there is a lot of online support, you just need to reach out. I am in the process of creating one myself, they are good people out there and they love you.

So yes, this Cancer topic really hits hard, it made me think a lot about others and the religious perspective of everything happening around us. Please leave a comment with your opinion on cancer and why you believe it is so hard to find a cure, thank you for reading.

