New Editors Alert

Robert Ralph
New Writers Welcome
Sent as a


2 min readNov 14, 2021


Not a normal newsletter

Photo by Nico Smit on Unsplash

Welcome to our latest newsletter. It will be a short and sweet one, because I want to focus on other things this evening, mainly the new editors of our outstanding publication.

My Top Three Articles this week are:

Undoing My Body Hatred at 40 — by Melissa Marietta

6 ways to maintain your sanity when the world is falling apart — by Kamil

7 Ways to Relieve Stress & Anxiety by Natalia Costa

One from me

My Girlfriend Went Out With 22 Men In One Night, Then Dumped Me

Publication Growth

We have gained an additional 199 followers this week, which is our second-highest ever. Thank you so much for your continued support. We are now up to 1,762, whoop, whoop!

Facebook Group

We welcomed another 61 members this week, which is our most significant growth, lots of interactions are taking place daily. If you have not joined yet, then you are missing out. Join here.


There is still plenty of time to enter our writing and poem competitions, there is a small cash reward for the winners, but of course, the real reward is writing itself.

New Editors

I want to introduce our new editors………

Marilyn Glover, Sally Prag, Dazzling Shene, Francesca Dallaglio, Andrey Pilipets.

Written by Robert Ralph

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Robert Ralph
New Writers Welcome

I am a freelance, top eight writer, and content creator. Connect with me here to receive my free content: