New Writers, 4 Powerful Medium Publications That Help You Gain 100 Followers Fast

… and get paid without the follow-unfollow game.

Kristina God, MBA
New Writers Welcome


100 followers. Thank you. Number 100 with thank you in yellow and followers in red. Smiling men on the right hand site.
Background vector created by freepik —

You’ve decided to write on Medium. That’s awesome. Congratulations!

Now you need to make a start. In order to join the Medium Partner Program and get paid for your engaging stories, you first need 100 followers.

But where to start?

Some think it’s playing the common follow-unfollow game. Meaning: Follow 100 people and maybe 30 will follow you back. Then unfollow them. Keep repeating until you reach your desired number of followers.

This isn’t a good idea, new writers.

A few months ago, Ev Williams has announced to

(a)ccurately reflect(ing) your unfollow actions. (…)

Meaning, if Medium feels played, you’re done.

As in any serious business, it’s better to do the work and… write.

Unfortunately, as new writer Drashti Shroff has said:

…some new writers, including myself, get lost in the Medium space — in the sense that we are not already aware about which publications to follow, which pubs to join as writer and most importantly which pubs exist!



Kristina God, MBA
New Writers Welcome

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