New Writers, Don’t Post and Ghost — Better Reply to Comments (Religiously)

It’s all about cultivating relationships with your audience — no matter how huge or small

Kristina God, MBA
New Writers Welcome


New Writers, Don’t Post and Ghost — Better Reply to Comments (Religiously)
photo credit: TENOR

Recently, I had an experience with a new writer and coachee that shook me up.

Earlier this year, this new writer approached me for help getting his online writing business off the ground on Medium.

I loved that he wanted to make it a business and make money.

Often people come to me and say they’re just writing for fun, for the love of writing…. blah…

Don’t get me wrong… but almost always, after a few months, when the traffic goes up and the income increases… they want more.

And why?

Because They’ve Experienced That They Can Really Make Money Writing Online

That’s the best feeling in the world, knowing you can make money doing something you’re passionate about.

Plus, you can earn some extra money on the side.

Let’s get back to this new writer who asked me for help.

He had read my free Medium Kickstarter Guide and wanted personal advice.



Kristina God, MBA
New Writers Welcome

Award-winning marketing manager I Bestselling Substack author I Copywriter⚡Join my Online Writing Club: