New Writers, Here’s How You Can Get People To Find Your Writing

The 100 rule.

Biliz Maharjan
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Marten Newhall on Unsplash

As a new writer, getting the recognition you want is tough. When you don’t see any views and engagements in your stories, it makes you want to quit and do something worthwhile. You feel that you can never make it as a writer.

When I started writing as a blogger, I had no clue what I was doing. I wrote about whatever topics I had in mind, I did not know how to structure my blog posts, and my grammar wasn’t that good either.

Reading my old articles makes me cringe.

But it was good that I didn’t have more than 10 views on my posts. I must say that it saved me from embarrassment.

The truth is that those moments brought me to where I am today — a decent writer who knows what he is doing. Had I given up writing because nobody read my articles, I would have never been to this point.

Writing has become one of the most important aspects of my life.

Throughout my writing journey, I have experienced a lot of ups and downs. These moments were great writing lessons for me.

It was a game-changer when I shifted from writing on my blog to writing on Medium. I became a better writer and learned how to get people to recognize my work.



Biliz Maharjan
New Writers Welcome

I write about self-improvement, creativity, and writing. Join 1000+ creators and thinkers for weekly notes: