New Writers, Why You Need An Accountability Buddy In 2022

It’s the #1 system for effortless consistency.

Kristina God, MBA
New Writers Welcome


New Writers, Why You Need An Accountability Buddy On Medium In 2022
Photo 40118140 © Pipop Boosarakumwadi |

Are you super-pumped being on this platform or…

are you already on the verge of dropping writing on Medium after a short while because you don’t see the results you expected?

Well, I can help you.

I’m a marketer, a mom, a spouse, and a part-time Medium writer.

Within the last past 16 months on this platform, I’ve gained over 20 Top Writer badges and have grown my earnings from zero to thousands of dollars — $$$$.

My secret?

Consistency and discipline.


No! Accountability is not a solitary journey that is best taken alone.

If you want to master the game of online writing consistency and discipline are everything.

You don’t want to be depending on your fickle motivation to succeed, do you?

To make sure that you don’t let yourself slack because you don’t see the results you expected here’s…

The #1 System To Effortless Consistency On Medium



Kristina God, MBA
New Writers Welcome

Bestselling Substack writer I Marketing Expert I Top Writer I Helps you write, market and monetize your writing.⚡ Sign up: