New Writers, You Have To Market Yourself. No One Else Will Do It For You.

No, you can’t just write and they’ll come.

Kristina God, MBA
New Writers Welcome


New Writers, You Have To Market Yourself. No One Else Will Do It For You.
photo credit: Kristina God with Ayo on Zoom

I‘ve been writing on the internet for more than three years now.

I went from being a nobody to a somebody who would talk with top writer Ayo, who is living proof that living off writing is not fiction, via Zoom.

In our chat we agreed that we never were one of those folks who thought you could create it and they would come.

We knew it’s not enough to be a good writer and improve your craft.

That if the quality is there, we would be making a lot of money.

Most writers are missing out on hyping themselves

I think many people are talented at writing (without knowing it). But what they’re missing is to be influential and build a community which is more important than ever before.

You will attract people with the “build it and they will come“mentality.

But you will attract even more people if you hype yourself!

If you promote and sell (I said it!) your writing.

Don’t be a fantastic writer that isn’t seen



Kristina God, MBA
New Writers Welcome

Bestselling Substack writer I Marketing Expert I Top Writer I Helps you write, market and monetize your writing.⚡ Sign up: