New Writers, You Shouldn’t Start a Newsletter in 2024

If you want to start a newsletter and build an email list, better reconsider.

Kristina God, MBA
New Writers Welcome


created author on Canva; used on YouTube

I’ve been using Substack for about 19 months now.

My goal was to grow beyond my daily blog Medium and finally build an email list.

I didn’t want to put all my eggs in one basket.

Plus, I wanted to try another platform.

You might be thinking about building an email list or are already in the middle of kickstarting your newsletter.

However, some haters don’t want you to build your email list.

Here are some reasons.

❌“You’re wasting your time”

This is my fave.

“Are We Past Peak Newsletter?” asked the New York Times.

We’re not. You’re not wasting your time. Substack now has 3M paid subscribers. 3M people pay to get a newsletter of their favorite writer in their inbox.

We’re not past peak newsletter and this is the right time!



Kristina God, MBA
New Writers Welcome

Bestselling Substack writer I Marketing Expert I Top Writer I Helps you write, market and monetize your writing.⚡ Sign up: