Nine Hazards At The Gym And How To Avoid Them

Joining a gym is probably the best decision you ever made

Errol Brown
New Writers Welcome
5 min readJun 25, 2022


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You made the right decision to purchase your gym membership and start exercising after procrastinating for an eternity.

A gym membership is the first step toward improving your quality of life and extending your stay in this meat suit called a body.

However, before burning those calories, remember that gyms are hazardous places that can prematurely send you into the afterlife. Therefore you should be cautious when using these facilities.

I am not here to kill your enthusiasm or scare you into quitting before starting but to prepare you to safely take on a rewarding and fulfilling journey.

Here is a list of some of the most common hazards at the gym that can send you to the er, or worse, your maker.

  1. Crushing injury from falling weights
  2. Falling from the treadmill
  3. Slip and fall on a wet floor
  4. Overstretching
  5. Poor lifting technique
  6. Accident from indoor rock climbing
  7. Trip and fall from free weights
  8. Accident from faulty equipment
  9. Unprofessional gym instructor

Crushing injury from falling weights

Weight lifting is dangerous; yearly, many people end up in the ER from crushing injuries caused by falling weights. The most hazardous weight lifting exercise is the bench and the most popular, especially among men.

Many have died trying to milk every ounce of energy from that hormone

called testosterone. Trying to build the chest muscles(pectorals) to achieve the perfect physique every manly man craves, sometimes making the ultimate sacrifice.

Heavyweights sliding from fatigue hands pushed to exhaustion, falling on the neck or chest, and crushing sensitive organs of an unlucky soul are the hazard of bench press.

Having a high max in bench press gives bragging rights and shows dominance in a world where the strongest and best physique is crown king.

Most often, they lift way more than they are comfortable with while neglecting basic safety measures — a spotter or one who can control the weight if anything goes wrong.

Prevent being sent to the ER or beyond, the beyond simply by lifting manageable weights, gripping the weights bar properly, using a competent spotter, and knowing your limits.

Falling from treadmill

Falling from the treadmill is another everyday fitness-related accident. Injury from this type of mishap can be severe or mild.

Sprain and broken bones are common, but even more severe injuries sometimes result in death.

Not paying attention while using the machine and setting the dial above your physical capabilities are some ways in which these accidents happen.

Playing around and misusing is flirting with a trip to the emergency room.

Prolong your life and health; use the treadmill for its intended purpose, pay attention and know your limitations.

Slip and fall on a wet surface

Your body fluid can be hazardous to yourself and others. For example, your sweat can cause you to slip and fall depending on the gym surface. Spill water or hydration fluid is another danger.

A broken bone, sprains, torn muscle, and bruises result or common injuries from slips and falls.

Prevent these incidents by simply wiping your sweat before falling on the floor. Then, clean up spills or have someone do it.


Overstretching, especially when the muscles are not warm properly, can result in a tear. In addition, it can be a frightening and painful experience hearing them cracking like tree branches.

Prevent this type of injury by simply warming up properly before stretching. Know your body’s limation, and avoid explosive or sudden movement during the initial phase of your warm-up.

Instead, do smooth, progressive movement until your muscles reach their limit.

Poor lifting technique

The first thing you should learn before lifting weights is the correct technique. It will help you improve and prevent unnecessary damage to your body and a possible trip to the ER.

Incorrect technique lifting might not affect you when starting with light weights. However, the moment you challenge yourself with heavier weights, the day might end up in the ER.

Common injuries from poor technique are muscle pull or strain, ligament strain, and damage back or shoulder, joint, or knee injuries. Save time and money and prevent discomfort by learning the correct lifting

technique. Practice with light weights to become competent before gradually increasing the weight.

Accident from indoor rock climbing

Injury from indoor rock climbing is common among people participating in that type of activity. There are even cases of people falling to their death.

Indoor rock climbing though relatively safe there, are some risks involved. Failing safety equipment and inexperienced instructor are some factors that cause accidents or even death.

Common injuries from indoor rock climbing are bruises, lacerations, and broken bones.

An easy way to prevent these types of injuries is to avoid rock climbing. If you must ensure the facility is certified, they regularly maintain their equipment and have competent instructors.

Also, ensure that you are fit and strong enough to climb without depending on a safety harness.

Trip and fall from free weights

Racking free weights after use is a rule I have seen at all gyms. However, free weights or equipment scattered over the floor is an accident waiting to happen.

Prevent a possible injury to yourself and others by simply putting equipment in the correct place after use.

A fall in the weights room can easily result in head trauma or even death because there are many metals and heavy equipment in that section.

Faulty gym equipment

Faulty gym equipment has resulted in accidents. In addition, equipment such as a treadmill changing speed or starting an abrupt stop can result in an accident and injury to you.

Breaking cables from gym equipment can result in weight falling, causing serve injury to you and a trip to the ER.

Ensure that the gym you are using is established and certified. Established gyms are more likely to do regular maintenance because they fear negligent lawsuits and a bad reputation.

Unprofessional gym instructor

An unprofessional gym instructor is one of the most significant hazards at a gym. Unfortunately, someone will get injured or killed soon because of this hazard.

Incorrect exercise is dangerous, and an instructor giving you lousy information is jeopardizing your life, just as how a doctor prescribing the wrong medication is dangerous and potentially deadly.

If you are given exercise without consideration for your age, fitness, health condition, experience, strength, and ability, your life and safety are at risk.

An unprofessional or incompetent trainer will give instructions that are inappropriate for you or provide a poor example of how to do such activities.

Avoid unprofessional gym instructors by researching, checking reviews online, or asking people you know who are members of the gym you want to join.

Choose a gym with excellent reviews and trainers with a good reputation.


It is hard to eliminate some hazards from the gym; however, you can lessen the possibility of an accident by being cautious. Follow the advice given above, and you will enjoy the pleasure, fulfillment, and health benefits of taking that step to join a gym.



Errol Brown
New Writers Welcome

I am a curious soul searching for answers to questions floating in my mind while sharing thoughts and ideas from my life experiences.