No one Knew I am the Prettiest Girl Until I Removed my Mask — Story

Hi everyone, this is a true story of a girl named Elsa, which I would love to share with you to entertain and inspire you.

Indo Alok
New Writers Welcome
8 min readJan 11, 2022


Source: My Animated Story

I would narrate the story as Elsa so let’s get started with the story.


I am Elsa, Also known as the vampire girl and it’s all because I have the meanest parents. I was born in a small town in Romania and growing up I realised that my parents were weirdos.

My Parents Are Weirdos

They always used to talk in a whisper tone to each other which was so annoying and moreover they never left the house. They didn’t go to work or even to get groceries. A box of supplies just mysteriously arrived every week.

Every day, Dad would spend hours reading the newspaper and circling stuff on it with a red marker. Once I was four, I kept asking him to pour cereals but he kept ignoring me. So, I leapt onto the table and put my foot in his bowl splitting it all over his newspaper and dad went bonkers. He said, “Oh my god! what you have done, You are such a nuisance, Here take the whole cereal box. Just leave me alone you idiot”. Gosh!! I wished I could just leave them forever, they didn’t even love me.

My Cat and My Syndrome incident

Source: My Animated Story

I never had some visitors but when I was 5, Grandma came to see us once and she brought me an adorable cat and I was so happy. But of course, my parents were not. They said “A pet !! We already have Elsa and it’s so hard enough to take care of her. Now just take it back please”. But I just ran up to my room with the cat in my arms and slam the door shut.

But when I woke up in the morning, The cat wasn’t anywhere in my room. I looked all over the house but couldn’t find the cat. I just knew my parents has gotten rid of it. I screamed and cried but they said that they didn’t know anything. Before they could stop me, I just ran out the front door with a light speed and I decided to never go back. It was a really sunny day and as I kept running my skin suddenly started to really turn red and itchy and I looked up at the scorching sun and my whole body began to burn. I let out one huge scream and fainted. When I woke up, I was in my bed and my mom told me that the doctor has been to see me and he said that I was perfectly fine. I tried to convince my parents that I am not fine and the sun was about to kill me. As usual, My parents thought I was crazy and I knew they were evil.

My Schooling

After this incident, I covered myself from head to toe and thus preventing a single ray of sun to touch my body. Only my eyes were visible as I covered the head with a hoody and wear trousers and masks to cover up my whole body.

My parents almost fainted when they first saw me roaming around the house. The only time I removed my costume was when the sun was gone. I never go out during the day and I even insisted my parents be at home school. But by the time I was thirteen, My parents refused to home school me anymore.

Jessie — The Meanest Girl

Source: My Animated Story

Thus, I joined the school in the eighth grade and the minute I entered the classroom, Everyone started laughing and whispering about me. I ignored all of them and sat down quietly on the first empty seat. During the lunch break, I stayed in the classroom while everyone laughed at me.

During such time a girl came and asked me the reason as I was dressed like a weirdo and I told her that I was allergic to the sun and then Jessie laughed so hard at it. In no time, I realised that Jessie was the meanest girl in the class, she used to prick at me on every chance she got. Once, she put a fart bag on my seat and after I sat on the seat everyone was laughing wholeheartedly.

Another day, I solved a maths problem on the board and as I was returning to my seat, I slept on some water and fell on the floor.

My Nick Name: The Vampire Girl

Source: My Animated Story

I usually ignored Jessie stupid pranks but one day she went too far. That day, I was standing under shade and was enjoying a baseball match and suddenly, Jessie came out of nowhere and dragged me into the sun. She started to pull my hoody off and I bit her hand really hard and ran away. And that’s how I got my name, The vampire girl. Now, people began to call me a monster but I didn’t care as the bullies were now scared of me.

A New Boy — Nick

A few days later, the teacher introduced a new kid, Nick, to our whole class. The bullies find out their new target. I joined him in the caffeine that day and we started talking. I found out that he was the new janitor’s son and he was really sweet and never ever said that I was crazy when I told him about my condition. I was so happy to make a friend.

But one day as I was walking down the hallway I found Jessie and her friend surrounding Nick and bullying him. But, I entered the scenario and made them clear to stay away from nick, but she didn’t care and then I just lept at her in a monstrous manner and she screamed and ran away. Nick thanked me.

My Faith and Heart got Stolen

Source: My Animated Story

After a few days, I was travelling down the street at night without my mask and hoody and I saw a guy running towards me and suddenly he started snatching my bag as he tried to get away I lunged at his face and pulled his mask off and I nearly fell back in shock it was Nick.

But before I could say anything he ran away. I just stood there in disbelief. I felt betrayed. Nick showed up at the school two days later but I just ignored him but when he kept following and asking what is wrong? I just slapped him and told him that the girl he robbed was none other than me.

He looked horrified and suddenly he started weeping like a baby and told me that he got no other choice as his dad is in the hospital and he needed the money. He kept crying and my heart went out to him. I console him and tell him that stealing isn’t the answer to this. I took a promise from him not to steal anything again and I decided to help him out.

The Prom Queen Contest

Source: My Animated Story

That day, I went to the school principal to start a fundraiser for Nick father and within a day we were able to raise all the money Nick needed for his dad’s treatment and more. Moreover, the biggest donor was Jessie’s parents and they kept praising me at the fundraiser for arranging the event and this made Jessie even angrier.

In arrogance, Jessie challenged me up for the prom queen contest. I bought a beautiful red dress for prom since it was the night, it was the first time anyone in school would be seeing me without my mask.

As soon as I entered the hall I saw people turning around and asking each other who I was. Just then, Nick came to me and took my arm and told everyone that I was Elsa. Jessie looked furious when she saw everyone’s attention was on me and to my shock I was actually voted as that year’s prom queen.

From then on, Things at school started getting better and everyone was super nice to me now. Nick was tutoring kids after school and his dad came back to work.

Realising the Truth

One day after GYM class I was quickly changing in the dark locker room when suddenly Jessie and her minions barged in. One of them quickly grabbed my hoodie while the others grabbed me by my hands and legs and started carrying me outside. They dragged me into the sun and pinned me on the ground in the blazing sun.

Suddenly, Nick and the teacher arrived and saved me. After standing, I looked all over my arms and realised that there were no rashes and it didn’t itch or burn. I started thinking that the fear just stayed in my head.

Source: My Animated Story

When I returned home that day, My parents were shocked to see me and I narrated the entire incident to them. They hugged me tight and actually started to cry. They told me that as a kid I just let that fear get so big in my head. I told my parents that I never believed them and I always used to think they were evil.

Then, They told me that they were undercover agents. They told me that it was a really stressful time for them. They said sorry for their weird behaviour. All this time, I was believing things that weren’t just true.

Conclusion — Life Lesson

My story may not have such a happy beginning but that doesn’t make you, Who you are. It is the rest of your story, Who you choose to be. As a kid, We have gathered some preconceived notions about others that aren’t true. It is the time to talk to them and uncover the truth. Best of luck and remember to live a blissful life.

Do share your stories with us and drop down any other lessons you learnt from Elsa’s Story? Knowledge comes from sharing and not by holding it.

