No, Writing Is Not That Simple. Don’t Make Us Think It Is

Even if you are only trying to help

Georgina Odafe
New Writers Welcome


Blurry red and orange bokeh background, shows how confusing and hard it is to be a writer
PublicDomainPictures on Pixabay

New writers are struggling with their writing careers.

We want to be successful.

That is why we look up to you, top writers with large following, claps and comments.

So imagine how it feels when you tell us how simple writing is, yet it doesn’t get any easier.

Because the harsh truth is, it never will.

Writing doesn’t get easier, but the writer gets better.

When people say they wish someone had told them something when they first started as a writer, they’re just saying.
I’m certain that if someone did, it might not have helped them much.

Because you would still doubt yourself and your methods, things you have now but not when you started.

As new writers, even when we find methods that work for us, we still doubt.
Even if we get a thousand likes today, we still doubt.

That’s the difference.

You have tested yourself and your methods over time, day after day, for months or years.
And now you trust.

