Not yet at 100 followers? No problem do this while you wait!

Who said one was the limit? Here’s another way you can get started and later profit doubly; I’m liking this already!

New Writers Welcome


You’re probably used to reading and hearing about how others got their first 100 followers in a month, a week, or in some extreme cases in a DAY which to me is absolutely incredible and totally out of my reach based on my writing and social skills. But for those of you who can’t accomplish such an amazing feat (and I assume that’s why you’re still reading this), this short recommendation is for you. I have been implementing this strategy, and although very small, I have seen some income roll my way while still not having all 100 followers as of the time of writing, so I can attest that it works and is very simple to set up and in Buy Me A Coffee you don’t have to create any more accounts to receive your payment since it also uses Stripe just as Medium to process its payments and they are done the moment you receive your coffee so you can enjoy that cup of joe while it’s still served hot.

Finally, if by reading this short article you feel compelled to create an account of your own, please feel free to use my INVITE CODE as it is a way to support me as well, and that way, we can all enjoy some fresh coffee regardless of where in the world we are since after all sharing a coffee is sharing the love and motivation to keep works like these going stronger than ever.



New Writers Welcome

Cybersecurity enthusiast | Unveiling digital mysteries | Empowering self-growth | Explore the digital realm with me. 🔐✨ #InfoSec #CTF #SelfImprovement