On this Sunday

To: those who still can’t see the forest for the trees


Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

He didn’t hit me
on the…third day-

He didn’t!

So maybe!

So maybe
I can keep Him,
for if he didn’t
hit me on the
third day-

He didn’t punch
me on the fifth day…

…all I can say…
is that if I can say,
“I didn’t
lose an eye
on the fourth day…”

…then evidently
He wants me.

He wants me
on this Sunday.

You’re not alone. Help is out there. Call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800–799–7233.

Thank you so much for reading my poem. It really means the world to me.



Joseph Arnold Corkill
New Writers Welcome

Poet, painter, writer, singer, actor, teacher, boxer; moreover, a work in progress