Once We Were

The Love I Keep Longing For

Jennica Rose
New Writers Welcome
2 min readFeb 7, 2022


Photo by Amanda Sixsmith on Unsplash

Love is what I live for
I long for it, I yearn
That blossom of gush within
Tis’ ardent rush I wish to learn.

You came along like a dream
Ferried me to enamored emotions,
Whirling in the frolic of adventure
Riding in seemingly endless elations.

In a string of fondness & warmth
How could silence reign?
The Love I once knew
Got quiet and mundane.

You filled me with affection,
Tying the knot, I thought it’ll last,
Now impoverished with attention
My heart can I still entrust?

Why should it change?
Why do we constantly not get along?
When I ask if you still love me,
You still do but it felt wrong.

Broken, you cried in front of me
You’ve been giving all your best,
You asked what else could you do
To make my worries at rest.

I then remembered the man you are
and the things you constantly do,
I then realized you were the husband
Every woman would long to.

I overshadowed His love with my fantasy
Embarrassed with my mind in disarray,
My cup keeps spilling and empty
The love he keeps giving gets thrown away.

I kept on brushing it to you
When unknowingly It was me,
Once we were, You still are
Is it then love I’ve been giving you so far?



Jennica Rose
New Writers Welcome

A State Auditor. Unfolding Stories from Work and life to Scoops, Short Stories and recreationals.