One Minute Writing Advice

To help you get unstuck from the mud in your writing

Scot Butwell
New Writers Welcome


My wife and I in a one-inch picture frame (photo by Randy Smith)

You know you’ve bed stuck in the mud in your writing.

Probably wanting to bang your head on a table.

Maybe, it happened today or yesterday… or maybe tomorrow.

Well, I’ve got just the thing for you (sorry if I sound like a snake oil salesman) that will help you get those keys moving on your computer monitor.

It’s called the One Inch Picture Frame strategy.

Just focus on one small chunk in your writing — like the size of a small picture frame. Tell yourself that you are going to work on that part only.

It’s like giving yourself a small assignment.

See, what happens when we get stuck is we have self-doubts about ourselves as a writer when we’re just really just stuck on this one little section.

And then that section becomes like a traffic accident on the freeway, holding up the rest of our writing and we sometimes get frustrated in a hurry.

Don’t criticize yourself. Diagnose the problem. Focus on a chunk.

I got this method from Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird book.

You’ve probably heard of her quote on advice her dad gave her brother when he was wigging out on a report when as a ten years old.

Bird by bird, Buddy. Just take it bird by bird.

This is the same advice as the one-inch picture frame.

Just focus on a little chunk at a time.

If you like this post, I have a video on it on my YouTube channel. Don’t forget to subscribe too :) and the universe will send Great Karma your way.



Scot Butwell
New Writers Welcome

I am embarrassing according to teenage son. My jokes are terrible and I don't know when to stop annoying my son. I am the dad of an autistic son. A funny kid.