Our Idea of Purpose Is Flawed, It’s Not a Fantasyland

What does “purpose” mean? Is it a beautiful path?

Devansh Tomar
New Writers Welcome
3 min readSep 14, 2024


Photo by Erick Lee Hodge on Unsplash

What does “purpose” mean?

It’s a person’s sense of doing something with enthusiasm, motivation, and determination.

This is why we are made to believe in finding our purpose, something to which we can devote ourselves with all our energy and passion.

You think it’s about pursuing something and always keeping your zeal while doing it.

Whoever told us that following your purpose will make you feel determined and energized to put in the work all the time — they don’t know anything about purpose because following your purpose is not a Lala land, where everything is sorted, clear, happy, and energetic.

People say to find your purpose and then you will never have a dull moment in your life, and you believe it. So you started running everywhere, thinking that once found, it would cure all your problems and you’d never be as sad, depressed, anxious, or doubtful as you are now.

If you think this, then hold your horses!

This will break your heart but it’s not a ride you think of it. The problem is people think pursuing your passion is like a happy ending, where there are no more problems. It’s quite the opposite, it’s the start of your journey. A journey where you feel elevated doubts, problems, and uncertainty.

Having a purpose doesn’t guarantee constant passion. Some days you’ll wake up uninspired, clarity may elude you, confidence might waver, and dull moments will occur. Life’s answers won’t always be apparent and fear may creep in.

Yet purpose endures a steady force beneath life’s fluctuations, guiding you through both vibrant and mundane experiences.

I enjoy writing, but I have my ups and downs. Sometimes, I don’t feel like writing at all. Other times, I doubt my skills and wonder if I’m on the right path. There are days when everything feels confusing.

Yet, I know these moments are part of the journey, and I’m learning to embrace them.

Wake up to the reality!

Purpose, in reality, is about doing something you love, embracing and being resilient through the struggles and challenges that are certain to come along the way.

You will question if what you’re doing is right. You may wonder if you should do it, or if you’re even made for it. Some days it won’t make sense, and you won’t feel like doing it.

Because you thought the purpose was supposed to be fun and energetic, and if it’s not, then you’re doing something wrong. It’s nothing wrong with what you’re doing, it’s a part of it. This is how following your purpose feels in reality. It’s a phase of test and patience.

It’s never a smooth ride, but you think just because you found your purpose now you will have everything sorted out and will live happily ever after. This is not how purpose works.

Doing what you love is a wild ride that will put your patience, discipline, and determination to the test. But if you can hang in there, making it through the tough times will show just how committed you are to that work.

Be ready to embrace the highs and lows when you pursue your passions.

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Devansh Tomar
New Writers Welcome

Engineer turned philosophy student • I write about self-mastery, Inner potential, spirituality & everything I learn while navigating life's depth.