Overcome your insecurities today!

Reflect On The Good.

mansi. s
New Writers Welcome
3 min readDec 9, 2021


I think, feeling jealous or insecure is normal But to keep feeling it is abnormal.

  • Is feeling insecure is normal?

To feel insecure is normal, if you look at others progressing and you feel insecure about not being there or how I reach there? it’s totally normal.

But cultivating jealousy, envy, insecurities is an unhealthy practice and we do not notice this one thing when we keep feeling insecure towards someone, when we keep harbouring jealousy for someone, two things happen

1. We harm ourselves

2. We harm our peace, happiness and satisfaction.

  • How do we become insecure?

It must be because of someone’s past, recent incidents, failure, loneliness, having rude parents or partners.

The main cause of insecurity is lack of confidence, you begin to feel like something went wrong and people may hate you, you allow your mind to create scenarios that totally have convinced you to accept that you did something wrong and you are getting punished for it,

sometimes we feel our love or care or the time we are giving to a particular task, work or a person is not worthy enough then we start comparing ourselves with others and it causes us to overthink this is how our insecurities start building and tend to increase.

  • How insecurities cause

By jealousy, you’re not going to be like them anyway

So who are we harming by harbouring jealousy? Who are we hurting?, ourselves only, our satisfaction, our happiness, our joy, our own contentment. We’re killing that.

For second thing

“when we harbour our jealousy, envy and insecurities, we’re putting risk for our own development”

It’s because when we’re focusing on others the focus is not on ourselves. When we always observe what others have, then we don’t have time to see what we have.

You will definitely feel insecure it’s normal but what are we doing about it? To overcome it

  • How will you overcome insecurity

1. Get your attention back

Start bringing the attention back to yourself. How your attention is going to others, if you learn to shift that attention to yourself, the more we learn to be self-focused then we will be able to overcome this type of insecurity.

2. Challenge your thoughts

Stop overthinking today, keep things simple. If you’re having insecurity about something try to fix it or clear.

If you feel you are not good at dancing and your other friends are then practising it, do it in front of the mirror. tell yourself that you are doing good being confident and see you will be best at anything you want.

3. Just focus on good

Everyone’s life is full of good and bad both but if you’re insecure that because you’re just focusing on bad you have.

Change your perspective of everything. Start looking from the good side of everything. Find good in the worst and over time you will have that positive energy that will never let you be insecure about anything.

4. Appreciate yourself

This is the most important to do, start enjoying your own company. Start focusing on your needs, hobbies, development.

Daily remind yourself how good you are by remembering how you helped your friends and all things you do. Find your thing at which you are good at. What will help you to be the best version of yourself? Give time to people who have a value for it.

By building optimism you will tackle your insecurities.

Hope this will help you!



mansi. s
New Writers Welcome

I'm a student who loves to do research and provide information by writing ❤