Overcoming the Fear of Conflict

How to Stand Up for Yourself and Your Values

Micky Kayn
New Writers Welcome


Luca Iaconelli on unsplash

We’ve all been in that tough position. That feeling that you want to say something…that you need to say something. Instead, you play the nice guy and bite your tongue. This feeling is uncomfortable. On one hand, your nerves are wound tight wondering what might happen if you speak out. On the other hand, you’re left with that uneasy feeling that you allowed something inappropriate to be said or you permitted some indecent behavior to go undeterred.

Developing the side of you that is “not nice” can be a daunting task. It’s easy to fall into the trap of pleasing others and losing sight of our own opinions and values. However, it’s important to remember that having a strong sense of self and standing up for what we believe in can lead to greater happiness and fulfillment. Here is a four-step approach to help you develop the less pleasant, but necessary, side of your personality:

1 — Have more respect for your opinions, especially in areas of expertise.

It’s important to acknowledge and appreciate your own knowledge and skills. This includes having confidence in your opinions, especially on topics in which you have expertise. Don’t be afraid to express your thoughts and ideas, even if they differ from those of others. When you respect your own…



Micky Kayn
New Writers Welcome

Data and tech entrepreneur. Connoisseur of life, nature, and logic.