Passengers Smell Fear

A new hire strives for job excellence after an embarrassing incident

Anthony Dale
New Writers Welcome
1 min readJan 26, 2022


Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

Imagine a smiling newbie at his airline job. As he’s thrown to the wolves in the baggage department, that smile vanishes. He’s told, “You’ll be fine.”

Here’s the rub: It’s his first time there!

There’s one thing to be trained for a position and lack confidence in your abilities. Quite another when training’s skipped and sent there anyway.

He’s being sent as thing #2.

The baggage office is the airport’s least friendly area. Passengers come for one reason — ”lost” luggage. Airlines prefer the term “delayed.” Just ask their lawyers.

Speaking of mood switches, happy passengers quickly become furious when “delayed” bags don’t arrive.

Clueless and alone, he improvises. Tries humor. But even in the friendly Midwest, people have an internal BS detector. They sense panic.

Eventually, his help arrives. He promises himself, ”I’ll never be embarrassed like this again!



Anthony Dale
New Writers Welcome

Anthony is an airline veteran. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from UW-Madison. He enjoys making Buzzfeed quizzes, walks and watching classic movies