Pinterest for Bloggers: Increase Your Blog Traffic — Written in Waves Studio

SEO and Long Form Content Marketing

Morgan Casper
New Writers Welcome
4 min readJun 7, 2023


Photo by Rachel Coyne on Unsplash

This blog covers why using Pinterest is important for bloggers. Blogging can feel like a losing game, especially during the first few months. Even after writing high-quality content, following SEO best practices, and sharing your blog posts on Instagram, it can be challenging waiting to see your blog traffic increase.

Even experienced bloggers who have posted new content consistently for months or years can start to lose motivation to write long-form content and instead rely on social media to promote content, grow their audience, and collaborate with brands.

And while social media is great for connecting with your audience and building a community, it’s not a sustainable long-term strategy. If you see content creation or influencing as a business, you need to make sure that you’re building your blog and email list too.

One of the best ways to make sure that your blog is getting enough traffic, aside from SEO, is to share all of your blog content on Pinterest. Pinterest is one of the best ways to make sure that your blog is reaching more people who are actually interested in what you’re sharing. That means you’ll get more exposure to the ads on your blog, earn more commission from affiliate links, and be able to charge even more for brand collaborations and sponsorships.

This blog post explores all of the reasons why bloggers should prioritize pinning their blogs, social media content, email opt-ins, and other valuable content to Pinterest consistently (and with the right strategy).

Amplify Your Reach and Increase Blog Traffic

Pinterest is a visual discovery platform with over 400 million active users, making it an excellent avenue for expanding your reach and attracting new audiences to your blog. By creating visually appealing pins and strategically optimizing them with relevant keywords and descriptions, you can significantly increase the visibility of your blog content. Each pin drives users directly to your blog, resulting in an increase in traffic and readership.

Just like following SEO best practices, focusing on creating high-quality content on Pinterest that drives traffic to your blog can help signal to Google that your blog content is valuable. This combined with SEO best practices can help your blog posts rank on the first page of Google.

Enhanced SEO Benefits

Pinterest is a search engine, not a traditional social media platform. That means it offers the same SEO benefits as optimizing your blog posts, podcast episodes, or videos on Youtube.

Because of that, you need a Pinterest strategy that involves keyword research, and an understanding of where to place those keywords within your pin titles, boards, board descriptions, and pin descriptions. This allows your pins to be found by the people who are searching for content just like yours.

Pinterest also encourages users to consistently create new content. This means that you will want to share all of your blog posts, and your social media posts, and create new unique pins that drive traffic to all of that content.

Each blog post you write should have 5–10 unique pins, optimized for Pinterest SEO, and pinned weekly for months after your blog post is published.

Boosted Authority and Credibility

Building a strong presence on Pinterest can elevate your authority as a blogger and increase your credibility within your niche. Consistently sharing valuable content through pins and boards showcases your expertise and positions you as a reliable source of information. As your Pinterest following and engagement grows, brands and readers will perceive you as a trusted influencer, opening doors to more sponsorship opportunities and collaborations.

You can even charge more for brand collaborations because of your reach on Pinterest.

Monetization Potential

If you follow the right strategy and increase your blog’s traffic and exposure by pinning regularly, you can charge even more money for brand collaborations and sponsorships, drive more traffic to affiliate links both within blog posts and directly pinned to Pinterest, and you’ll receive more commission from ads placed on your blog because of your higher traffic.

Virality and Long-Term Exposure

Pinterest’s unique algorithm allows pins to gain traction and resurface months or even years after their initial publication. Unlike other social media platforms where content has a shelf life of 24–48 hours, Pinterest offers long-term exposure for your blog posts. A single pin can continue to drive traffic to your blog for years.

Pinterest for Bloggers: The Secret to More Website Traffic

Pinterest presents a wealth of opportunities for bloggers to elevate their online presence, increase blog traffic, and unlock lucrative sponsorship and collaboration opportunities. By harnessing the platform’s visual appeal, SEO benefits, and vast user base, bloggers can position themselves as authorities within their niche and drive consistent traffic to their blogs. Embrace the power of Pinterest and take advantage of its features to expand your reach, connect with brands, and achieve new heights of success as a blogger. Start pinning your way to increased traction, enhanced monetization, and long-term growth today.

Written in Waves Studio offers a full setup, strategy, and management catered towards using Pinterest for bloggers.

Schedule a free consultation call today to explore how Written in Waves Studio can help you create a customized Pinterest strategy for your blog.

Originally published at on June 7, 2023.



Morgan Casper
New Writers Welcome

Founder of Written in Waves Studio | JD. Writer who writes about marketing, entrepreneurship, travel, and mindset. |