Reject perfectionism and accept the risks

We are so consumed by being perfect that we forget that it's the same thing that cripples us out of our creativity.

vishal sharma
New Writers Welcome
2 min readJun 25, 2022


Photo by Malcolm Lightbody on Unsplash

I believe in any creative pursuit; the planning should come after you start executing; you can only judge yourself based on your performance, not based on vision, and planning will follow that judgment. We spend so much time learning and buying the ideal equipment that we rarely reach the execution stage.

Fear and perfectionism can go together; let's say we are afraid of taking the first step, to delay the inevitable ( you taking your work out in the world), we can hide behind the shadows of perfectionism.

We are all amateurs, we don't live long enough to be anything else.

- Charlie Chaplin

We fear not getting enough audience, we fear our work to be rejected, and that keeps us on the pedestal of perfectionism, keeping one eye on the audience and the other on the work, creating half-hearted work. And that steals our authenticity, which is the most important thing for any creator. The audience admires authenticity.

Perfectionism turns us into our critics. We take risks when we take our work as it is; this will provide us with honest feedback, not our very own fear-induced, perfection-seeking, egotistical review of our work. The real thing is how your audience resonates with you; this will give an artist a whole new perspective on his work, making him a conduit of the work that people need.

Remember our rule of thumb: The more scared we are of work or calling, the more sure we can be that we have to do it.

Pressfield, Steven. The War of Art

Do it as it is, do it as you are, do it no matter what. Stop comparing your initial work with the work of the best out there; you will get there with practice and feedback, don't be afraid to show your work. You are an artist; declare that to the world.



vishal sharma
New Writers Welcome

My writing is inspired by my own journey of finding my calling, beating resistence and leaving the rat race to create my very own dream life. A happy offbeat.