Resolutions versus Intentions — My New Year’s Commitment

Aim for your goals by listening to yourself

Diane Hatz
New Writers Welcome


Image by igoriss from Getty Images for Canva Pro

Instead of New Year’s Resolutions, I’ve committed myself to Daily Intentions. Rather than making a long list of most-likely unachievable goals once a year, I believe I’m more effective by setting an intention every day, whether it be big or small.

Resolution versus Intention

First, let’s define the terms “resolution” and “intention.”

Oxford Languages defines a resolution as a firm decision. An intention is an aim, plan, or goal.

Can you feel the difference? A resolution is stuck in stone, final, unchanging. It doesn’t leave room for error.

An intention is something to aim for. It leaves room for adjustment and course correction. It’s breathable. Intentions are still goals, but they’re more flexible. Like life.

Daily Intentions

I meditate every morning for fifteen to twenty minutes. Whether I’m “good” at it isn’t important, having quiet time with myself is. It’s time to slow down and catch my thoughts, and a space to set positive intentions for the day.

I aim for one or perhaps two smaller goals a day, not a huge world-changing To Do list like I’ve…



Diane Hatz
New Writers Welcome

Author. Organizer. Inner activist. Looking for answers one pen stroke, meditation, and road trip at a time. Rock Gods & Messy Monsters out now.