Rethinking Productivity And The Hustle Culture

Prioritizing Our Mental Well-Being First

Tammy Tang
New Writers Welcome


Photo by NEOM on Unsplash

Once I get into something, I can’t stop thinking or talking about that one thing all the time.

With an all-or-nothing mindset, I want to perfect and get it done right.

Sometimes, this translates to sticking with my routine and not taking time off.

When I do take time off, I find myself overcompensating to “make up” for the time “lost.”

Our capitalistic society promotes the “hustle culture” by measuring our self-worth with our outputs and encouraging us to be productive all the time.

When will it feel enough for me?

How do I not feel guilty for taking time off?

What does “enough” mean?

Will I ever be good enough?

Here are three ways of balancing productivity with rest.

Busyness is not the same as productivity.

When you don’t finish what you set out to do for the day, ask yourself: is it because you were too busy, or were you being productive?

There’s a difference between the two.

