Robert — An Interview Like No Other

Stripping back the layers

Robert Ralph
New Writers Welcome


A more revealing side of me — Authors Photo

This was an interview with Erica Marie, she interviewed me asking me some great personal questions, as always I did not hide from the truth and opened up to her questions.

Please take the time, after you have read the interview to check out her page, she has a number of great articles that I feel may interest my followers.

With that being said, please enjoy Erica Marie interviewing me below:

Thank you for taking the time to share your story with me.

Before being a dad, did you imagine your future with kids?

No, I had no intention to get married or have kids; in my youth, I would describe myself as a preditor, shameful at times when I look back on it.

I aimed to have as many sexual experiences as I could; three months with one girl felt like I was married, oh how things have changed, for the better, I might add.

Fatherhood started unexpectedly when you were 21. You talk about the first time you bonded



Robert Ralph
New Writers Welcome

I am a freelance, top eight writer, and content creator. Connect with me here to receive my free content: